5 Dangers That Lurk If Drinking Coffee When The Stomach Is Empty

JAKARTA - For some people, coffee is an integral part of everyday rituals and is often the first thing to say in the morning. However, some studies suggest drinking coffee while an empty stomach is not a good idea.

How many hours without eating is considered an empty stomach? According to the National Institutes of Health, reported by Livestrong, Wednesday, May 22, two hours without eating any food is considered an empty stomach. The following is information about the effect of drinking coffee when your stomach is empty on your health.

A small study in June 2020 in the British Journal of Nutrition found that one of the risks of drinking coffee before eating was blood sugar disorders or rising blood sugar. Controlled blood sugar levels can reduce the risk of metabolic conditions such as diabetes and heart disease. People who have breakfast and then drink coffee, do not experience a spike in blood glucose.

"Coffee increases the risk of stomach pain because it can stimulate acidity in the stomach," saidMINA Singh, MD, director of gastroenterology integrative at Susan Samueli Integrative Health Institute at UC Irvine and founder of Precision Clinic.

Coffee is naturally acidic, with pH between 4.85 and 5.13. Anything under 7 is considered acidic, according to a study in October 2018 in Nature. This is why coffee can cause stomach acid to rise.

"Although digestive enzymes and stomach fluids are released no matter what you consume, acidic foods or drinks such as coffee can cause stomach irritation, causing increased acidity in the stomach," said Dr. Singh.

Caffeine is a stimulant that increases alertness and energy levels. However, consuming it when an empty stomach can strengthen its effects, cause increased anxiety, anxiety, and anxiety. This state of passion causes discomfort and can interfere with daily activities.

Caffein stimulates the release of cortisol or known as the stress hormone from the adrenal glands. The increase in cortisol levels has a negative impact on health. This causes weak immune function, weight gain, and mood disorders, as well as contributing to excessive stress response.

Coffee contains tannin compounds that interfere with the absorption of certain nutrients including iron and calcium. Consuming coffee when the empty stomach inhibits the body's ability to absorb this important nutrient. Causing malnutrition over time.

For individuals who have experienced digestive problems such as Irretable Bowel Syndrome (IBS) or Inflammatory Bowel Disease (IBD), drinking coffee when an empty stomach worsens the symptoms.