12 Habits That Can Lower Sexual Passion

YOGYAKARTA The decline in sexual enthusiasm can turn out to be due to habits that have been carried out for a long time. Habits that can reduce sexual arousal are usually unhealthy so that it needs to be reduced and even eliminated so that intimate relationships can be established.

The habit of reducing libido can happen to men and women. The following is a habit that sometimes makes sex arousal drop, reported from the webmd.

Junk food is a type of food that is high in fat and sugar but lacks nutrients. This food is indeed delicious for consumption but who would have thought the impact could have an impact on reducing sexual arousal.

Junk food that is eaten continuously will slow down blood flow in the body to lower a person's sexual performance. It would be nice to lack this type of food so that sex life remains harmonious.

Avoid packaged foods, junk foods, or self-cooked menus with high salt content. High sodium foods not only reduce libido but also have an impact on body health in general.

Prolonged tensions and worries will make a person feel tired at any time and anywhere. When that happens, the body will be flooded with stress hormones that slowly have an impact on health, including reducing the desire to have sex.

If you maintain stress, immediately overcome it. The methods can vary, try to take a vacation or consult with a professional expert.

The survey says that as many as 8,700 men and women say that sex will last a long time if they get various stimuli. Therefore, less foreplay will reduce sexual arousal.

Overcrowded activities also reduce a person's interest in sexual activity. A person caught in a busy life will get rid of intimacy in a relationship. Whereas scheduled lovemaking will help relationships be more harmonious. Try to set aside time to relax for a moment and then fill it with sexual activities with your partner.

Sexual enthusiasm can go down even though you schedule sex regularly. The decline was triggered by reluctance to try new things in making love. Try to explore a new style of love. This method is quite effective in fostering boring sexual arousal.

Opening with your partner about sexual activity will help increase sexual arousal. On the other hand, it is not recommended to remain silent about your sex activities and your partner.

This condition usually occurs in people who are not satisfied with their body shape so they are less confident and instead worry about their own body. Change this mind and love your own body.

It is not justified to drink too much alcohol before making love because this habit will make your libido drop drastically. If you have to drink, try to bring a glass of beer or wine before making love.

Do you remember the last time you slept well? Declining sleep quality contributes to someone's sexual life.

Habits of not controlling eating to cause widening the waist circumference is also a bad thing that can reduce sexual arousal. This condition will trigger other bad things, including erectile dysfunction.

Smoking not only has a bad impact on health, but reduces sexual desire. This is due to the presence of chemicals in the bloodstream. Immediately reduce slowly from now on and the intention to stop.

That's information related to habits that can reduce sexual arousal. Visit VOI.id to get other interesting information.