Mount Latimojong: All About The Facts That Must Be Known By Climbers

YOGYAKARTA Mount Latimojong is one of the highest mountains in Sulawesi, most of whose territory is in Enrekang Regency, South Sulawesi. Not only became the highest in Sulawesi, Latimojong was also one of the seven highest mountains in Indonesia.

Reporting from the South Sulawesi Province website, the height of Mount Latimojong reaches 3,478 meters above sea level. This mountain has several peaks, while Latimojong's highest peak is Bulu Rante Mario.

As the highest mountain in Sulawesi, Latimojong cannot be separated from myths and legends. Even the history of Mount Latimojong is closely related to the story of a legend. One of the interesting stories is that Mount Latimojong is closely related to the first population in South Sulawesi.

In a book entitled History of Enrekang written by Dra. Sritimunyati said that according to the history told from mouth to mouth, the first human in South Sulawesi was Tamboro Langiq.

At that time, Tamboro Langiq came down from heaven to earth with a large bamboo stick at the top of Mount Latimojong. It's just that he came down through one of the peaks of Latimojong, namely Buntu Rante Kambola which has a height of 3,083 meters above sea level. At that time, Buntu Rante Kambola was said to be in the power of the Buntu Batu Kingdom, the Duri federation.

Thmboro Langiq then married Sanda Biliq who was a water jinn of the Saqdang River. From the marriage was born Puang Malakongan, Puang Papaq Langiq, Puang Tomabuli, and Puang Banda Boro. They are scattered in several areas, namely Napo, Gasing, Batu Uling, and Batu Borrong.

Not only them, Tamboro's marriage also gave birth to four female children. Unfortunately no one knows their names.

Reporting from Pare Pare Kota Library, the Latimojong Mountains, also known as the Sulawesi Roof, is not a volcano capable of issuing gas, ash, lahars, or other materials like a volcano. However, Mount Latimojong is included in the non-vulcanic type.

Like other mountains, Latimojong is also one of the tourist destinations for climbers. Usually climbers will start their exploration in Latimojong Kec Village. Barraka which is located approximately 70 km from Enrekang City.

Latimojong Village itself consists of six hamlets and which are often the basecamps for climbing Mount Latimojong is Karangan Hamlet. Here at the same time become a resting place for climbers.

To climb Mount Latimojong, climbers who pass the route from Karangan Hamlet to Rante Mario only need approximately 12 hours to arrive at Post 7 or the last basecamp. Meanwhile, from Pos 7 to Rante Mario ascent it takes approximately one hour. The favorite time to climb Mount Latimojong is at night.

That's information related to Mount Latimojong. Visit to get other interesting information.