Jokowi Emphasizes BPKP's Role In Preventing Deviations In Development

JAKARTA - President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) said that the Financial and Development Supervisory Agency (BPKP) has a big role in overseeing the sustainability of development so that the people can get maximum benefits.

"If we are like a train carriage, the BPKP contributes to building the rail (so that it is straight. And ensures that the train arrives at its destination quickly and precisely, right," said the President when opening the 2024 Government Internal Supervision National Coordination Meeting, quoted by ANTARA, Wednesday, May 21.

In carrying out his duties, Jokowi reminded that the main task of BPKP is not to find fault, but rather to prevent irregularities that may occur.

"Don't overturn it. The focus is not how many people are caught committing irregularities, but how much the people can benefit from government programs," he said.

BPKP's duties and roles in supervising the development are said to be getting tougher in the future, along with the increasing demands of the community and the increasing government spending and programs.

In addition, competition between countries that will be increasingly tight also adds to the challenges for BPKP's performance.

"I have often said this: a country that is fast will beat a country that is slow. Not a big country beating small countries or developed countries beating developing countries. No," said Jokowi.

Therefore, in order to support the speed and accuracy of work, President Jokowi encouraged BPKP to continue to innovate, especially in the use of technology.

A number of technology devices that can be utilized include the early detection and exclusion system platform to warn and blacklist parties involved in fraud or other irregularities as well as research tools for fraud detection in budget disbursement.

In addition, there is a robotic process automation system for monitoring automation as well as internet of things sensors and satellite imagery for project monitoring in the field.

"Once again, I remind you that the existence of APIP (Government Internal Supervisory Apparatus) is to provide solutions and take precautions. Prioritize the achievement of outcomes, prioritize the maximum benefits received by the community to ensure that our development is increasingly qualified," said the Head of State.

In his report, the Head of BPKP Muhammad Yusuf Ateh said that throughout 2020 to the first quarter of 2024, BPKP supervision had resulted in saving state finances worth IDR 78.68 trillion, saving state expenditures worth IDR 192.93 trillion, and optimizing state revenues worth IDR 38.75 trillion.

Not only supervising financial accountability, BPKP also oversees the effectiveness of development in various fields, including poverty, health, education, infrastructure, food security, industrial transformation, mining and plantation governance, strengthening MSMEs, SOE/BUMD governance, to transforming green energy.

"In the implementation of supervision, we consistently position ourselves as part of the problem of the solver, not the party who is just looking for fault," added Yusuf Ateh.