Reading Prayers Seeing Kaabas And Adabs Must Be Done

The prayer of seeing the Kaaba can be practiced by Muslims when performing the pilgrimage or Umrah. When undergoing Hajj or Umrah, the congregation will be in the middle of the Grand Mosque to see the Kaaba. At this moment it is recommended for the congregation to pray as a sense of gratitude for the greatness of Allah SWT.

Being able to see and be close to Ka'bah is directly a hope for Muslims. Ka'bah is a sacred building and a house of worship that was built for the first time for humans. The Ka'bah building has become a goal for Muslims around the world.

Given that the Kaaba is a sacred building, the Prophet SAW recommends Muslims to read prayers when facing the Kaaba. So how do prayers see the Kaaba and its meaning?

In the book Al-Idhah fi Manasikil Hajj on Hasyiyah Ibni Hajar alal Idhah, Imam An-Nawawi recommends to anyone who sees Ka'bah to recite prayers. Quoting from the book Collection of Prayers and Dhikr Ibadah Umrah, here are the prayers of seeing Ka'bah in full along with its meaning:

Let's watch it, let's talk about it, let's talk about it. For example, let's talk about it. It's not a lie, it's not a lie, it's a lie, it's a lie, it's a lie, it's a lie, it's a lie, it's a lie.

Latin reading: Allahumma zid haadzal baita tasyriifa wa ta'dhiimaa wa takriimaa wa maharabah wa zid man neurosahu wa carramah mimman hajjahu awi'tagar tasyriifa wa ta'dhiimaa wa takriimaa wa birra.

Meaning: O Allah, add glory, glorification, honor, and authority to this Bait (Ka'bah). And also add to those who glorify, glorify, and respect among those who perform pilgrimages or who pray with glory, splendor, honor, and goodness.

Imam An Nawawi also recommended reading the following prayer to Muslims after reading the prayer of seeing the Kaaba above:

You can't help it, you can't help it, you can't help it, you can't help it, you can't help it, you can't help it, you can't help it, you can't help it, you can't help it, you can't help it, you can't help it, you can't help it, you can't help it, you can't help it, you can't.

Latin reading: Allmenhumma atas sal hotminm, wa minkas sal hotminm, fa hayyin sampai bbban sampai bis sal hotminm.

Meaning: O Allah, You are safety. From You safety comes. O our Lord, give us honor through safety.

Imam An Nawawi also advised Muslims to say any prayers when they saw the Kaaba. This moment is the right time to offer prayers that are the hope.

The door to the sky is open for people who are looking at the Kaaba. When in front of the Kaaba, pilgrims or Umrah are encouraged to increase istigfar reading as an expression of a request for forgiveness to Allah SWT.

Before undergoing the pilgrimage or Umrah, Muslims should understand the customs when they see the Kaaba. In the book Fiqih Sunnah, Sayyid Sabiq mentions a number of adabs that must be done when looking at the Kaaba.

Here are some examples that Muslims must do when in front of the Kaaba:

That is the prayer of seeing the Kaaba that must be understood or remembered by Muslims before leaving for Hajj or Umrah. Being in front of the Kaaba and seeing it firsthand is a valuable opportunity and starts for Muslims. Also read the pilgrimage place in Medina during Hajj.

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