These Are Tips From PLN To Use Electricity To Avoid Fires
JAKARTA - PT Perusahaan Listrik Negara (Persero) (PLN) provides tips to all customers to use electricity properly. This is for convenience and avoid the danger of a fire.
General Manager of PT PLN (Persero) Main Distribution Unit of South Sulawesi, Southeast Sulawesi, and West Sulawesi (UID Sulselrabar) Moch Andy Adhaminordin appealed to customers to use electricity wisely and be aware of individuals on behalf of PLN to increase electrical power illegally. "If there is additional electronic equipment at home and customers need additional power, please be able to request an official request through PLN Mobile and do not go through brokers. This aims to prevent the use of illegal electricity and fires due to not being handled professionally and safely," Andy said quoting Antara. PLN even provides tips for using electricity properly according to the contracting power and electric power purchase agreement.
Andy added that the danger of illegally using electricity has the potential to pose a risk of electrical hazards, such as short circuits and fires.
After the customer submits officially, PLN officers immediately follow up on every required service. Every fee arising from electricity services can only be paid through the PLN official payment channel, such as PLN Mobile, Payment Point Online Bank (PPOB), and marketplace.
"We invite all customers together with PLN to maintain the kWh Meter and if there are obstacles or disturbances, immediately report them through PLN Mobile which has provided various service features easily," Andy explained.