OJK Welcomes The Invitation To Cooperate On The Independent Learning Program That Contains Financial Literacy

JAKARTA - Chief Executive of the Behavior Supervisory of Financial, Education and Protection Business Actors of the Financial Services Authority (OJK) Friderica Widyasari Dewi welcomes the invitation to cooperate with the Merdeka Learning program which contains content related to financial literacy.

The statement was made during a Training of Trainers activity for teachers with the theme "Finance Smart Teachers, Realize A Prosperous Future" at the DKI Jakarta Provincial Education Office Building, Jakarta, Monday, May 20.

"I welcome what you have to offer (Director of Basic Education Teachers of the Ministry of Education, Empowerment, Research, and Technology Rachmadi Widdiharto) for further work we have a cooperation program for the Independent Learning program. We already have all the materials, from Pak PAUD (Education of Early Childhoods), SD (Basic School), Junior High School (First Middle School), High School (High School)," he said, quoted from Antara.

All of these materials can be accessed and downloaded for free through the Financial Education System Learning, OJK, which is a learning and training portal for internal, external parties, and OJK stakeholders. After obtaining learning from LMSKU OJK, each participant will also be given a certificate.

"In other countries, education (about financial literacy) has entered the formal curriculum. We hope that later we can enter the formal curriculum because this is an essential life skills that must be owned by all Indonesian children towards Golden Indonesia. It feels like financial education, financial literacy, is a passion and skill that we must have, we teach, and also for all teachers, "said Friderica.

On the same occasion, the Director of Basic Education Teachers of the Ministry of Education, Culture, Research, and Technology (Kemendikbudristek) Rachmadi Widdiharto offered the Pancasila Student Profile Strengthening Project (P5) which is one of the episodes of Freedom of Learning to include content related to financial literacy.

He said that understanding financial literacy is very possible to be integrated into the project, namely how children can practice saving life, building saving habits, engaging in student cooperatives, and building an honest culture.

"Ladies and gentlemen, we can optimize the preparation of our children, not only at the calculation of the substance of competence, but also how to build children's character, live efficiently, how they work together to collaborate with other colleagues, to be able to prepare with our future generations, so that it is in accordance with our spirit, namely national education day to rise for Golden Indonesia," said Rachmadi.