Profile Of Ebrahim Raisi, Iranian President Reportedly Helicopter Accident In East Azerbaijan

YOGYAKARTA Profile of Ebrahim Raisi is a hot topic of conversation. The latest helicopter carrying Iranian president Raisi and a number of officials reportedly made an emergency landing in East Azerbaijan.

Ebrahim Raisi himself has been known as president of Iran's tap line. The image certainly sparked questions after the helicopter was reported to have had an accident. Then who is Ebrahim Raisi actually?

Ebrahim Raisi was born on December 14, 1960 in Masyhad, Iran. He is not only known as president of Iran but as ulama, prosecutors, and politicians. His position as president himself began in 2021.

Reporting from Britannica, the city of Ebrahim Raisi's birth, Masyhad, is known as the Religious Center Twelve Shi'ah, one of the Islamic sects. The background of the Ebrahim family itself is known as a family of scholars so that he studied Religion a lot. Even Ebrahim Raisi became a student of several prominent clerics in Iran.

Long before becoming president of Iran, Raisi actually entered the world of law. For example, in 1985 he became deputy prosecutor in the nation's capital, Tehran. He had run for president of Iran in 2017, but he lost against Hassan Rouhani, a cleric known to be moderate. After the defeat, Raisi served as head of Iran's judiciary from 2019 to 2021.

Only in 2021, Raisi again ran for president of Iran. In his candidacy, Raisi won almost 62 percent of the vote. On the other hand, the 2021 election was recorded as the election with the lowest amount of participation in the history of the Islamic Republic of Iran. At that time, many candidates had the potential to run but were prohibited from running, besides that millions of Iranians chose to abstain.

During Raisi's leadership, many controvestions occurred. One of Raisi's controversies is that he was considered to have played a role in the mass execution of political prisoners (tapol) in 1988. Raisi's involvement itself is said to be a commission that helped try the police with the death penalty.

Raisi did not escape the spotlight during the Israeli and Hamas wars in Palestine. Raisi continued to show his confrontational attitude towards Israel. Raisi also threatened to promise hard action if Israel retaliated against Iranian attacks that had fired drones and missiles at Israel.

Despite threats, Israel was proven to retaliate with Iranian threats by attacking the military complex in Iran after the launch and firing of missiles. Unfortunately Raisi has not shown any reaction. Raisi is reportedly making visits to countries such as Pakistan, Sri Lanka, his plans to go to Azerbaijan.

Most recently, Iranian Interior Minister Ahmad Vahidi confirmed that one of the presidential helicopters was forced to make an emergency landing on Sunday local time. The Iranian government also continues to seek and rescue of President Ebrahim Raisi's helicopter. The fate of the Ebrahim Raisin helicopter has yet to be confirmed until this article is written.

That's information related to Ebrahim Raisi's profile. Visit to get other interesting information.