Police Investigate Motives Of Buskers Desperately Trying To Suicide In Tangerang, Victims Are Hospitalized Integrated

JAKARTA - A teenager named Ujang (18), a resident of Dadap, Kosambi District, Tangerang Regency, was desperate to end his life by slashing his own neck using a cutter knife.

The incident occurred next to Post Security POST 2 Griya Dadap, Dadap Jati Village, Kosambi District. But fortunately, the victim's life was saved even though his condition was still critical.

Teluknaga Police Chief, AKP Wahyu Hidayat said the victim was a street busker and also a factory worker.

"Currently, the victim is still being treated at the BUN Hospital, Kosambi, due to cuts to the neck," said AKP Wahyu when confirmed, Sunday, May 19.

Until now, the Teluknaga Police are still investigating the attempted suicide by a man by slashing his own neck. The police have also visited the crime scene (TKP).

However, the victim's condition has not improved because he is still in intensive care. The victim also cannot be questioned.

In addition, his party has asked for information from a number of witnesses at the scene, including asking for information from the victim's parents and the head of the RW where he lives.

The suicide attempt occurred when the victim was approached by a friend with a cutter knife in his hand.

"The victim was then asked by his friend, 'What are you doing? Then the victim answered 'I want to kill myself' and suddenly the victim immediately slashed his own neck," he said.

The victim's suicide attempt was not the first time.

Previously, the victim had also attempted suicide a few days ago, but was thwarted by his family.

"It is not clear what caused the victim to carry out the reckless suicide attempt. The motive is still being investigated," he said.

Meanwhile, the case is still being handled by the Teluknaga Police.