Former North Sumatra Deputy Governor Bang Ijeck Takes The Gubernatorial Election Registration Form To PDIP

The former Deputy Governor of North Sumatra (North Sumatra) Musa Rajekshah or known as Bang Ijeck took a registration form for a candidate for governor at the North Sumatra PDIP DPD to fight in the North Sumatra gubernatorial election.

The form was taken by the Secretary of the North Sumatra Golkar DPD, Ilhamsyah, accompanied by a number of other administrators.

"Our presence represents Musa Rajekshah to take the registration form for the future governor of North Sumatra. This is proof of his seriousness (red-Musa Rajekshah) to run in the Pilkada," said Ilhamsyah as quoted by ANTARA, Friday, May 17.

He is optimistic that the party that will win the 2024 General Election will carry the chairman of North Sumatra's Golkar Musa Rajekshah as a candidate for governor of North Sumatra in the 2024 simultaneous regional elections.

"We are optimistic that the PDI-P can carry Musa Rajekshah," he said.

The presence of the Golkar management was greeted directly by the Secretary of the North Sumatra PDIP DPD, Sutarto and other ranks.

Sutarto said there were several names who had taken the registration form for the candidate for governor of North Sumatra from the PDI-P.

The four names that took, two of them had returned the form, including former North Sumatra Governor Edy Rahmayadi.

"In accordance with our party mechanism, in the screening stage, there are two lines, there can be internal cadres, there is Mr. Nikson, then there is a community leader, Mr. Edy Rahmayadi, who has returned it. Then Mr. Abdul Azis, then there is Mr. Benny Simorangkir who has returned the form," said Sutarto.

According to him, Ijeck, Musa Rajekshah's nickname, is a young figure who has the opportunity to become the Governor of North Sumatra.

However, his party will first conduct studies and considerations in the process of selecting the candidate for governor.

"If the potential is like this, every political party will definitely conduct various studies, calculations are considered and today we are still in the screening process, then there is a screening process," he said.