The Government Officially Issues Permendag Number 8/2024 Regarding The Prohibition Of Imported Goods
JAKARTA - The government has revised the Regulation of the Minister of Trade (Permendag) Number 36 of 2023 concerning Import Policy and Regulation.
The regulation was changed to Permendag Number 8 of 2024, which is expected to solve problems with import licensing and container buildup at the port.
Coordinating Minister for Economic Affairs Airlangga Hartarto said that in the Internal Meeting with the President, it was agreed to re-arrange or revise Permendag number 36 of 2023.
In addition, Airlangga added that a Decree by the Minister of Finance would also be issued which would re-establish the List of Goods affected by the ban and restrictions on imports.
"Following up on the results of the Internal Meeting, the Minister of Trade Regulation Number 8 of 2024 has been determined which is expected to be able to resolve both problems (import licensing constraints and container buildup at the port)," he explained at a press conference, Friday, May 17.
Airlangga conveyed that the main points of the policy included 7 Goods Groups in Permendag number 36 of 2023 in conjunction with number 7 of 2024, which were tightened imports, namely electronics, footwear, finished clothes and finished clothing accessories, bags, and valves, carried out import licensing relaxation.
The commodities in Permendag 36 were tightened by adding import notifications (PI) and surveyor reports (LS) returned to the rules according to Permendag 25 to only need LS without PI, namely 4 commodities such as traditional medicines and health supplements, cosmetics and household supplies, bags, valves.
Meanwhile, commodities in Permendag 36 were tightened by adding that the technical consideration requirements (Pertek) were returned to the regulation of Permendag 25 to be without Pertek. Such as 3 commodities, namely electronics, footwear, finished clothes and accessories.
Airlangga conveyed that the newly issued Permendag and promulgated will take effect as of Friday, May 17, 2024.
"For goods that have been entered since March 10, 2024, they can be completed based on the regulation of the Minister of Trade Regulation 8/2024," he explained.
Airlangga conveyed that for the implementation of the settlement of these two problems, business actors should immediately re-submit the import licensing process, both related to PI and requirements in the form of Pertek for several commodities.
Meanwhile, detained containers, who have not been able to apply for import licensing, can re-submit all import licensing processes.
According to Airlangga, in accordance with the President's direction, all relevant Ministries/Institutions (K/L) will support the acceleration of the settlement of import licensing problems such as the Ministry of Trade will encourage the acceleration of the issuance of PI, the Ministry of Industry will encourage the acceleration of Pertek settlement, and other technical Ministries/K/L will support the acceleration and resolution of import licensing problems.
Airlangga conveyed that in addition to re-regulating import permits in this new Permendag, it was also re-regulated, namely the Non-Commercial Goods Group (not merchandise, personal-use), issued from the regulation at the Permendag and fully regulated through Permenkeu (DJBC) and Changes in the Decree of the Minister of Finance which stipulates the List of Goods affected by the Import Lartas.