BSI Reshuffles Management, There Are 3 Commissioners And 1 New Directors

JAKARTA - The Annual General Meeting of Shareholders (AGMS) of PT Bank Syariah Indonesia Tbk (BRIS) appointed three members of the commissioner and one member of the new board of directors.

The shareholders approved the appointment of Felicitas Tallulembang as Independent Commissioner, as well as Abu Rokhmad and Nazaruddin who were respectively Commissioners.

"This first time, since the merger, BSI has only had a female commissioner," said BSI President Director Hery Gunardi quoting Antara.

In the board of directors, the shareholders approved the appointment of Ari Rizaldi as Director of Treasury and International Banking.

Meanwhile, the appointment of the company's management is effective after obtaining approval from the Financial Services Authority (OJK) for the Assessment of Ability and Compliance Tests and complying with applicable laws and regulations.

"We believe this shareholder decision will make the company's management more solid, achieving sustainable performance to make BSI able to compete in the global arena," said Hery

Thus, the composition of the Board of Commissioners and the Board of Directors of the company is currently, including:

Composition of the Board of Commissioners:

- President Commissioner/Independent : Muliaman D. Hadad- Deputy President Commissioner/Independent : Adiwarman Azwar Karim- Independent Commissioner : Komaruddin Hidayat- Independent Commissioner : Mohamad Nasir- Independent Commissioner : Felicitas Tallulembang - Commissioner : Suyanto- Commissioner : Masduki Badlowi - Commissioner : Abu Rokhmad - Commissioner : Fauzi - Commissioner : Nazaruddin

The composition of the Board of Directors:

- President Director : Hery Gunardi- Deputy President Director : Bob Tyasika Ananta- Director of Wholesale Transaction Banking : Zaidan Novari- Director of Retail Banking : Harry Gusti Utama- Director of Sales & Distribution : Anton Sukarna- Director of Information Technology : Saladin D. Effendi- Director of Risk Management : Grandhis H. Harumansyah- Director of Compliance & Human Capital : Tribuana Tungggadewi - Director of Finance & Strategy : Ade Cahyo Nugroho- Director of Treasury & International Banking : Ari Rizaldi Susunan Sharia Supervisory Board :

- Chairman : Prof. Dr. KH Hasanudin, M.Ag;- Member: Dr. H. Mohamad Hidayat, MB, MH.; MH.- Member: Dr. H. Oni Sahroni, MA;- Member : Dr. KH. Abdul Ghofur Maimoen, MA;- Member : Prof. Dr. Jaih Mubarok, SE. MH, M.Ag.