IFG Supports Financial Literacy In Dies Natalis FH UNSOED 2024 For Law Enforcement Of The Superior Financial Sector

The legal pillar in managing a superior financial sector requires increasing the competence of Human Resources (HR) and literacy for the realization of effective legal certainty and governance, transparent for accountable law enforcement.

This emerged in financial literacy support by IFG, the Insurance, Guarantee and Investment BUMN holding company, at the Dies Natalis Faculty of Law (FH) Jenderal Sudirman University (UNSOED) 2024, at the Auditorium Prof. ST Burhanuddin, UNSOED, Purwokerto.

Present at the DIES Natalis FH UNSOED were the Attorney General of the Republic of Indonesia Prof. ST. Burhanuddin, Deputy for Law and Legislation of the Ministry of SOEs Robertus Billitea, IFG President Director Hexana Tri Sasongko and PLH Dean of FH UNSOED Dr. Strong Puji Prayitno, SH, MH.

Burhanuddin stated that the collaboration between the Indonesian Attorney General's Office and the Ministry of SOEs and IFG as a BUMN holding was aimed at creating the competence of experts and legal professionals in Indonesia in preventing the law through consistent education. This literacy is expected to be the right basis for increasing competence and the best ideas regarding the best practices in law enforcement in Indonesia, both in terms of institutions, companies and industry players.

"I hope that future law enforcement will not only be about arrests, detentions, or arrests but more on humanist law enforcement which focuses on saving, recovering and recovering state assets," he said, in his statement, quoted Friday, May 17.

For information, Dies Natalis FH UNSOED 2024 is enlivened by the implementation of a series of seminars and discussion forums, one of the goals of the activity is to produce concrete recommendations to strengthen the synergy of the Ministry of SOEs and the Indonesian Attorney General's Office in strengthening BUMN governance.

Robertus Billitea emphasized that the synergy between the Indonesian Attorney General's Office and the Ministry of SOEs is proof of the commitment of state institutions to improve competence and literacy in the realization of accountable law enforcement.

"The role of SOEs as agents of development and agents of value creators is not only aimed at driving economic growth in Indonesia, but also ensuring that the transformation of SOEs goes according to the principles of good corporate governance, especially in legal compliance," said Robertus.

Meanwhile, IFG President Director Hexana Tri Sasongko said financial literacy support from IFG is a form of corporate Social Responsibility (TJSL) in an effort to support the creation of superior legal institutions.

As stipulated in the Regulation of the Minister of SOEs NumberPER-1/MBU/03/2023 concerning Special Assignments and the Social and Environmental Responsibility Program of State-Owned Enterprises, one of the four main pillars of TJSL BUMN is legal pillar and governance which aims to realize effective, transparent, accountable and participatory legal certainty and governance to create security stability and achieve a state based on law.

"We really hope that the financial literacy support provided by IFG in the FH UNSOED 2024 Dies will make a real contribution to the development of legal science amidst the rapid development of the world, which also makes legal issues move very dynamically. This is in line with IFG's commitment to improving more prudent governance, including in law enforcement," said Hexana.

PLH Dean of FH UNSOED Dr. Strong Puji Prayitno, SH, MH stated, high appreciation for IFG for financial literacy support as part of empowering the best legal practice.

"We would like to thank IFG for its great commitment to increasing law enforcement competence through financial literacy to create an accountable, prudent, and transparent business climate," he stressed.