Triggering Problems, DPR Proposes Sirekap Not To Be Used In The 2024 Pilkada

JAKARTA - Chairman of Commission II of the DPR Ahmad Doli Kurnia proposed that the Recapitulation Information System (Sirekap) no longer be used at the 2024 simultaneous regional elections.

This reflects on the use of Sirekap during the vote count in the 2024 General Election which was considered inaccurate and caused a lot of controversy.

However, the decision to use or not Sirekap in the 2024 Pilkada will only be discussed at the discussion of the draft General Election Commission Regulation (PKPU) on the 2024 Pilkada.

"If in these three months, the KPU does not show a new, better system, it is better not to use Sirekap anymore. Later we will evaluate it thoroughly," said Doli after the 2024 General Election evaluation meeting with the KPU, Bawaslu, and the Minister of Home Affairs, at the Senayan parliament complex, Jakarta, Wednesday 15 May.

"I think because yesterday's Sirekap caused a lot of problems and then caused slander, if I'm skeptical," he added.

Doli then believed that the majority of Commission II members did not agree if later Sirekap would be used as a counting aid in the 2024 simultaneous regional elections.

"I'm sure if asked by Commission II, will Sirekap be used in the Pilkada? I think it's almost the same saying it's not necessary," he concluded.