Sri Mulyani Reports To Jokowi About The Spotlight Of Leaning To Customs And Excise

Minister of Finance Sri Mulyani reported to President Joko Widodo regarding the public spotlight on the Directorate General of Customs and Excise (Bea Excise) recently.

"I reported Customs and Excise and discussed what happened, the situation faced by all ranks in the field, which went viral," said Sri Mulyani after meeting the President at the Presidential Palace, Jakarta, as reported by ANTARA, Wednesday, May 15.

He also reported that the cause of Customs and Excise was in the public spotlight, both in terms of regulations and procedures that had to be improved, including changes in technology which are currently changing very quickly as well as a huge volume of activities and burdens.

"We conveyed all of that and we will take steps to continue to improve it," said Sri Mulyani.

Sri Mulyani did not answer when asked about President Joko Widodo's response or direction regarding the spotlight on Customs and Excise.

Customs and Excise are in the public spotlight, especially on social media, regarding the delivery of a number of goods from abroad.

Incidents that have attracted public attention include fines for shoe products ordered by a consumer from abroad, delivery of grants in the form ofkeyboards for extraordinary schools (SLB), robot toy products belonging to YouTuber's collection, to import duties for coffins.

Regarding his meeting with the President, Sri Mulyani conveyed that her main agenda was to report trips for 10 days ago to various meetings.

I want to report on the trip during yesterday 10 days yes at various meetings from the Islamic Development Bank, from OECD, Asian Development Bank and fellow investors. Reporting on the discussion there, the development of important substance discussions relevant for the preparation of our APBN," he explained.

The Minister of Finance said next week he would represent the government in discussing macroeconomic policies and the principles of fiscal policy in 2025 with the DPR RI.

"So this is also to update the President regarding the current economic conditions and the results of yesterday's trip, as well as preparations for discussions with the DPR next week," he said.