6 Tasks Of Bridesmaid At Marriage, Not Just Becoming Ayu's Fence

YOGYAKARTA - In marriage there is usually a Bridesmaid as a companion to the bride or groom. Many people think that the Bridesmaid is the same as the Ayu fence, but both of them have different functions. So what are the tasks of the Bridesmaid at the wedding?

Being a Bridesmaid is a valuable opportunity and an honor in itself. Bridesmaid usually consists of several people who can be chosen from the bride and groom's friends or family. The bride will usually ask those closest to her or memorable in her life to become a bredesmaid rombonga.

There are still many who think that Bridesmaid only looks beautiful to accompany the bride and groom at the wedding ceremony. Even though Bridesmaid has an important role in helping the bride and groom make preparations since before the D day. There are several tasks of Bridesmaid at the wedding that you need to know about.

A Bridesmaid does not only play a role as a companion to the bride while heading for the aisle. Bridesmaid also helps in preparing for the bride and groom, as well as supports and follows every precious moment in the series of wedding events.

Here are some tasks of Bridesmaid that you need to know before getting married or celebrating a special day for friends:

As a Bridesmaid, you also have the task of helping the brides choose the appropriate dress for the brides and grooms. Although it looks trivial, the process of determining this party dress is quite complicated. Therefore, Bridesmaid must help so that brides and grooms do not have to bother thinking about this preparation.

In choosing a wedding dress, Bridesmaid can ask the bride and groom's wish and give her advice. You will help consider several aspects, such as color, fashion or design, size, and others.

The duties of other bredesmaids include planning a bridal shower. You can invite some friends to celebrate this event before the wedding day and surprise the bride and groom.

Whatever activity you choose for the bride and groom, make sure it's fun and memorable. Usually the bridal shower party is attended by female friends, especially those selected as ridesmaid.

Bridesmaids must also help the bride and groom to stay visible and feel good throughout the wedding day. You need to help the bride and groom in choosing and wearing proper makeup, accessories, and jewelry. In addition, you can also direct body care measures such as hair treatment, nails, and skin.

Bridesmaids are usually also asked to help compile guest lists and take care of sending invitations. You can help the bride and groom in choosing and designing invitations that match wedding themes and budgets. In addition, you must also participate in ensuring that invitations are sent and accepted by guests.

Another England task that is no less important is to be present to provide support for the bride and groom. Friends or relatives who become Bridesmaid must help the bride and groom overcome stress and anxiety ahead of the wedding.

A Bridesmaid can provide positive and motivational suggestions so that the bride and groom have a good and enthusiastic mood. In addition, you also need to help the bride and groom in managing emotions so that they are not easily anxious and stressed.

Towards the day after the wedding, many brides and grooms feel nervous and worried, either because they are nervous or afraid that the event will not go according to plan. This is where the important role of Bridesmaid helps maintain the feeling of calm of the bride and gives full support.

When elected as a Bride, you also act as the bride's representative. Indirectly you also have to help in managing various wedding needs to ease the burden on the bride and groom.

You can have various tasks with the Bridesmaid to be the link between vendors and brides-to-be. If there is a sudden problem, you can immediately address it or discuss calmly with the bride and groom.

Those are some of the tasks of Bridesmaid in marriage that you need to know. A Bridesmaid not only acts as an accompaniment at the aisle, but also helps prepare and support the bride before and in a series of wedding events. Also read tips on preparing for weddings abroad.

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