Can Drink Vitamins When Your Stomach Is Empty: Here's The Complete Discussion

YOGYAKARTA - Can you take vitamins when your stomach is empty? Of course, this is quite a lot asked by people whose activities are so busy that they just eat late. Okay, let's discuss it! Listen to the end, yes!

The reason is, consuming vitamins is one way for us to add nutrients to foods that may be less. We can drink directly after waking up or before bed, but the best time to consume vitamins actually depends on the type of vitamin.

Consumption of vitamins in the morning could be a good strategy to remain consistent, but taking vitamins in an empty stomach is likely to have side effects.

When before you decide whether to take vitamins without food or not, you should first know the vitamin type.

"You need to make sure whether they are dissolved in water or fat," said Crystal Scott, RD, a dietist on Top Coaching Nutrition, America, as reported by Livestrong, on April 18, 2023.

Vitamins that are soluble in water include vitamin C and complex vitamin B, for Harvard T. H. Chan School of Public Health. These are vitamins that will be absorbed by your bodies quickly and not stored. Vitamins A, D, E and K are considered soluble in fat, meaning soluble in fat and can be stored in the body's tissue.

"If you consume vitamins that are dissolved in water, a kind of vitamin B and vitamin C, it can be consumed when your stomach is empty. Most likely it will not cause GI problems," said Scott.

Meanwhile, vitamins that are dissolved in fat, You need to drink them with food for reabsorption.

As the name suggests, vitamins that are dissolved in fat are very efficient when eaten with a fat source. This allows them to put them in their bodies, otherwise the nutrients will pass through your digestive system

The Side Effect Of Drinking Vitamins When The Stomach Is Empty

I. Can Experience Other Implementation Disorders

The reason is, there are side effects such as nausea, vomiting and diarrhea. Routine consumption of vitamins can backfire if you consume so much at once or forget the real food.

Scott recommends paying attention to how much vitamins you consume. After that, consider separating them if you have them all, causing digestive problems.

"That [probably] seems to be kind of taking vitamin B in the morning, after that it could be iron and vitamin C in the future," Scott said. B vitamins are generally something you want to consume when your stomach is empty, especially for people who could be short of B12, only for maximum absorption."

Because vitamin B is soluble in water, you can drink it with or without food at any time. For someone who has a B12 deficiency, consuming it with an empty stomach will allow it to absorb faster.

Scoot recommends consuming vitamins that are dissolved in fat (given, they are vitamins A, D, E and K) with sources of fat such as avocado or coconut oil.

II. Stomach Pain

Stomach pain is a common side effect after consuming vitamins without any food. When vitamins pass through the intestines, the stomach can be irritated if nothing overlays it, according to Clinic Cleveland.

You can prevent this by eating at least snacks before consuming vitamins, such as a piece of grilled bread or a small piece of fruit. This applies to people who usually forget about breakfast.

Everything returns to the vitamin type and how strong you can handle it. Vitamins that are soluble in water should be fine without food, as long as you don't consume too much.

However, if you experience stomach problems, small snacks in the morning such as apple slices and peanut butter or avocado bread can help overcome these problems. If eating in the morning doesn't happen, change your time and try taking vitamins at night.

The digestive problem can also be a sign of a bigger problem than taking vitamins when your stomach is empty. If you experience stomach pain and consuming vitamins with food doesn't help reduce it, consider talking to your doctor to help identify the problem. You also need to know more details regarding The Best Time to Drink Vitamins.

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