Purwokerto Prosecutors Investigate Cases Of Alleged Corruption In The Ministry Of Manpower's JPS Program, Seized Rp470 Million In Cash

JAKARTA - The Purwokerto District Prosecutor's Office is investigating the alleged corruption case of the Social Security Network (JPS) program of the Ministry of Manpower (Kemnaker) of the Republic of Indonesia in the Banyumas Regency, Central Java.

"We carried out security or searches to find some of the evidence. And from the house of one of the (witnesses) we examined today, we managed to confiscate Rp470 million in cash," said Head of the Purwokerto Public Prosecutor's Office Sunarwan during a press conference at the Purwokerto Prosecutor's Office, Banyumas Regency. , reported by Antara, Wednesday, March 10.

In addition, he said, his party also secured 38 group stamps from a total of 48 groups, one computer unit, several documents of cooperation agreements between 48 groups and the Directorate of Work Development and Expansion at the Directorate General of Manpower Placement and Job Opportunity Expansion (Ditjen Bina Penta and PKK) Kemnaker RI.

According to him, the total assistance from the Directorate General of Bina Penta and PKK of the Ministry of Manpower of the Republic of Indonesia for the 48 groups reached Rp1,920 billion which was transferred to the group's Bank Rakyat Indonesia (BRI) account, each earning Rp40 million.

"When each group representative withdrew the money, someone was waiting outside the BRI office. And when the group left the bank, that person asked for all the money, so that there was a total of Rp1,920 billion," he said, adding that the JPS program disbursement. from the Ministry of Manpower on December 1, 2020.

He said the JPS program assistance from the Ministry of Manpower was actually intended for community empowerment activities due to COVID-19, both those who were victims of layoffs (layoffs) and unemployed.

In this case, he said, the Directorate General of Binapenta and PKK of the Ministry of Manpower provided assistance to community groups in villages and each group consisting of 20 people.

"The goal is to empower these groups. So that groups in the village can do business, can set up independent businesses, but in practice, the money for these 48 groups is taken by one person and may develop later. The rest of the money we can find here, "he said.

Furthermore, Sunarwan said that in the investigation into the alleged corruption case of the Ministry of Manpower's JPS program, his party had not named a suspect.

In this case, he said, his party had only examined a number of witnesses, one of them with the initials AM (26), a private worker, a resident of Sokawera Village, Cilongok District, Banyumas Regency.

"AM we checked, Tuesday 9 March. We examined as witnesses, then from the results of the statement concerned, we will immediately secure everything that we confiscated today," he said.

He said the 48 groups were new independent businesses formed by AM. "The name of this group, if I can say, is only used for name only," he said.

According to him, his party is still investigating the use of money which is actually the right of the group.

"We also examined seven witnesses. Of the seven people, five of them were the group that should have received this money, while the two were AM and MT (37) who are also residents of Sokawera Village," he said.

Furthermore, Sunarwan said that each group had actually tried to do what they had signed in the agreement made with the Ministry of Manpower.

In addition, he said, these community groups actually refused when all the money from the JPS program was asked for, but in the end they were unable to refuse it.

"Since last week, we have examined a total of 14 groups. Last afternoon until tonight, we conducted a search at AM's house to collect the evidence first," he said.

According to him, his party did not search MT's house, but from inside his bag found items that were indicated as being related to the case.

He said investigations and information gathering on the alleged corruption case of the JPS Kemnaker program had been carried out by the Purwokerto Prosecutor's Office in the last three weeks based on reports from the public, especially from groups.

Because he is still a witness, his party has not detained AM and MT.

According to him, his party is still investigating the case, including the possibility of other people involved in it.

"After sufficient evidence, we will be exposed to determine who is responsible for this case. Later, Article 2 and Article 3 of the Corruption Crime Law will be charged," he said.