When Wuhan Imposes A Lockdown

JAKARTA - Indonesia has recorded the highest death toll due to COVID-19 in Southeast Asia. Last afternoon, Thursday, March 19, the authorities announced that 19 people had died, 11 had recovered, and 227 others were exposed. To this day, the government still rejects the lockdown call. Maybe we already understand the concept of lockdown. But, have we seen what happened in China during the lockdown?

Since January 23, Wuhan, the city that recorded the world's first cases of transmission, has imposed a lockdown. Automatically, Wuhan is also the first city to practice a lockdown method related to COVID-19. After Wuhan, 12 areas directly connected to it were also locked down. The move paid off. After the lockdown, the number of COVID-19 cases in China dropped dramatically.

"The Chinese government will be congratulated for the extraordinary actions taken to contain this outbreak despite the severe social and economic impact of such actions on the people of the country," said WHO Director General Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, Thursday, March 12.

On that day, Chinese health officials announced that they had passed the peak of the COVID-19 epidemic. That same day, they announced eight new cases, the lowest number since the first cases of COVID-19 were announced.

A short documentary, The Lockdown: One Month In Wuhan captures various moments that occurred in one month --Wuhan was locked down for two months - a lockdown in Wuhan. Gen Yunfei, the director, did not only raise sad issues during the lockdown. It also raises hope. With passion, hard work and optimism, they have successfully fought the virus.

The beginning

The film opens by a narrative that describes the panic in Wuhan residents a little. At that time, everyone looked scared. That day was the first day Wuhan was locked down. As a result, all sales of travel tickets were closed, following the cessation of all mass transport operations.

At that time, the zeal for the people of Wuhan had hit rock bottom. COVID-19 hit Wuhan almost non-stop without showing the slightest sign of slowing transmission. One by one the residents caught the virus. However, it was from there that the spirit of resistance emerged. There is a message that everyone in Wuhan has put together: If the whole society doesn't fight COVID-19, then who will?

On February 13, aid began arriving from outside of Wuhan. Among other things, 1,400 medical personnel from the military were dispatched to Wuhan on eleven military aircraft which also carried medical equipment and supplies. One of the medical personnel from the military, Zhu Hairong said, "All the medical personnel who are dispatched are the best. They have experience in dealing with critical conditions, respiratory illnesses, infections and epidemics."

In line with that, more than 30,000 medical personnel from 29 provinces and regions were also deployed. At that time the Chinese government began to produce protective equipment such as masks and others in large quantities. It is calculated that in Huabei alone, more than 300 thousand N95 masks are produced per day.

In fact, in January, China only produced 35 thousand masks per day. When entering February 17, Wuhan has finally become a city that can quarantine all people who have the possibility of spreading COVID-19.

What Wuhan is doing

The first important lesson that must be imitated from Wuhan is how medical personnel are scattered to come to the residence of Wuhan residents. The test is carried out on an individual basis, without exception. Wuhan knows exactly how much exposure to the virus. That way, Wuhan can determine measurable steps to fight the virus.

For residents, there is no reason whatsoever, they have to stay at home. To make ends meet, Wuhan residents have to order everything online. During delivery, food packages and other basic necessities are wrapped in such a way. Packages are also placed in front of the house, so there is no physical contact between the courier and the buyer.

WHO Assistant Director General Bruce Alward gave an overview of the condition. His statement is quoted in the film: But, I think it's important to realize that the world owes Wuhan a debt. When this epidemic ends, hopefully, we will still have the opportunity to thank the people of Wuhan.

The Wuhan lockdown is indeed bearing fruit. One month after the Wuhan lockdown, the number of exposure to COVID-19 dropped dramatically. The increase in cases has not been seen, in Wuhan or in other provinces. Even if there are patients with symptoms of COVID-19, immediate action will be taken, so it won't take long to deal with them.

Unfortunately, Wuhan's success in dealing with COVID-19 has been accompanied by an increase in cases in a number of other countries. Italy, for example, which recorded the highest death cases in Europe. Or as mentioned at the beginning. Indonesia, which is now the country with the highest death toll from COVID-19 in Southeast Asia. This film is perhaps only the finger-widths of the reality that happened in Wuhan. However, in this condition, nail dirt lessons are also very valuable, right?