Riau Islands Bawaslu Members Arrested For Drugs Arrested For 3 Months
The Riau Islands Regional Police (Kepri) stated that members of the Riau Islands Election Supervisory Body (Bawaslu) Khairurrijal who were arrested for being involved in drug cases were decided to undergo three months of rehabilitation at the local provincial BNN.
"This is based on the results of the Riau Islands BNN assessment. He is also listed as an active drug user," said Director of the Narcotics Directorate of the Riau Islands Police, Kombes Dony Alexander, quoted by ANTARA, Tuesday, May 14.
Kombes Dony said that during the three months of being rehabilitated by the Riau Islands BNN in Batam, Khairrurijal was not allowed to leave because he had to undergo an inpatient system.
In addition, he said, the Riau Islands Police had also stopped the legal process against Khairurrijal through restorative justice (RJ), in accordance with the Police Regulation (Perpol) 8 of 2021 concerning the handling of drug crimes based on restorative.
The decision was based on the results of an examination conducted by investigators from the Narcotics Directorate of the Riau Islands Police, because the person concerned was not involved as a dealer or narcotics network.
"On this consideration, the Riau Islands Police stopped the drug case involving the members of the Riau Islands Bawaslu," said Kombes Pol. Dony.
Meanwhile, a member of the Riau Islands Bawaslu, Rosnawati, said that Khairurrijal had been disabled from his position after being arrested by the police for narcotics abuse.
"For the time being, it has been temporarily disabled by the Indonesian Bawaslu," said Rosnawati.
When asked about the possibility of a potential interim replacement (PAW) for Khairruijal, Rosnawati emphasized that this was under the authority of the Indonesian Bawaslu.
"We don't have the authority to involve PAW," he said.
Bawaslu member Khairurrijal was arrested after being proven to have consumed narcotics based on the results of a urine test he underwent when officers held an Antik Seligi Operation 2024 at a hotel in the Jodoh area, Batam City, Wednesday (3/4).
Based on the results of the urine test, the person concerned showed that he was positive for narcotics.
Khairurrijal is a member of the Riau Islands Bawaslu in the Coordinator Division of Human Resources (HR), Organization and Training. He previously served as Chairman of the Natuna Regency Bawaslu for the period 2018 to 2023.