Soto Tukang Acungkan Jempol After The Murder Of A Man Wrapped In A Sarong

The police said that suspect NA had given a thumbs up at the FA suspect when he received news that the victim had been killed.

NA is a soto driver who was also named a suspect for helping the FA dispose of AH's body in the Pamulang area, South Tangerang.

"Perpetrator 1 (FA) met the perpetrator 2 (NA) who was at the donut bakery located opposite the crime scene and told him that 'it has been done'. Then perpetrator 2 responded by pointing his right thumb with a smile on the perpetrator 1," said Head of Sub-Directorate for Resmob of the Directorate of General Criminal Investigation of the Metro Jaya Police AKBPali Yudho Ully to reporters, Tuesday, May 14.

Not only that, in this series of murder cases, the suspect NA also prepared tools to dispose of the victim's body. He bought burlap sacks at a shop in the Ciater area, South Tangerang.

After returning, suspect NA assisted the FA to put the victim's body in the burlap sack.

AH's body was hidden by the suspect FA in the bathroom of the grocery shop where he worked.

"Perpetrators 1 and perpetrator 2 jointly put the victim into burlap sacks by starting from the leg to the victim's head with his feet bent," he said.

Furthermore, the suspect FA brought a burlap sack containing the victim's body using a motorbike. He looked for the right location to pool it.

Until finally, the victim's body was dumped on an empty land, which is a residential area in Pamulang, South Tangerang.

"After that, perpetrator 1 took the victim using the victim's motorbike to find the right location to dispose of the victim's body for 1 hour", saidTEN

In this case, both of them were charged with Article 340 of the Criminal Code, subsidiary to Article 338 of the Criminal Code in conjunction with Article 55 and or Article 56 of the Criminal Code and Article 181 of the Criminal Code and or Article 221 of the Criminal Code.