The Founder Of The Claim Has Registered The Results Of The Deli Serdang Democrat Outbreak To The Ministry Of Law And Human Rights

JAKARTA - The founder of the Democrat Party as well as the OC committee of KLB Deli Serdang Ilal Ferhard, claimed that the results of the extraordinary congress or the KLB of the Deli Serdang Democratic Party (PD), North Sumatra, had been submitted to the Ministry of Law and Human Rights.

The submission of the registration documents, he said, was carried out by the legal formative team at 14.00 WIB.

"At 2 o'clock. We checked but just received it. I will wait for a day or two regarding the results of our report to the Ministry of Law and Human Rights," Ilal said after a press conference in Kuningan, Jakarta, Tuesday, March 9.

Meanwhile, the head of the KLB version of the PD Communication Agency, Razman Arif Nasution, admitted that he did not participate in the handover because he was verifying other things. Razman reasoned that he deliberately did not inform the file submission to the mass media because he did not want to disturb the concentration of the Ministry of Law and Human Rights.

"We do have an attitude not to interfere with the concentration of the Ministry of Law and Human Rights, we don't want to come together, we don't want information to the media so that we can gather there, disturbed by them so they don't concentrate," he said.

Razman added that his party would discuss and submit the results of registration to the mass media when it was decided. If there is one party who is not satisfied, he said, then he can sue by taking legal channels.

"Let them learn, later when it comes out we will discuss it together, we will tell our friends, they are not satisfied, they are PTUN. We are not satisfied, we will also take legal steps just like that," he said.