Police Implement Layered Security To Secure WWF Bali 2024, Officials Placed In 5 Clusters

JAKARTA - The Indonesian National Police (Polri) has created a layered security pattern to maintain the 10th World Water Forum (WWF) international event in Nusa Dua, Bali on May 18-25, 2024, which can take place conducively.

The layered security was carried out by dividing security forces on duty into five clusters whose distributions were based on the locations where the event took place until the location of delegates from other countries settled during the event.

"So the security pattern during the 10th WWF on the Island of the Gods is divided into several clusters. We made these clusters to make it easier for us to check and control so that the situation of the Kambtibmas (security and public order) is maintained," said Karobinops SOPS Polri Brigadier General Auliansyah Lubis in an online press conference, Monday, May 13, confiscated by Antara.

Auliansyah said that the five security clusters for the 10th WWF ranged from the Sanur cluster, Kuta cluster, Jimbaran cluster, South Nusa Dua cluster, and North Nusa Dua cluster.

Later each cluster will be chaired by one officer who is responsible for leading security officers to maintain security in its cluster.

Auliansyah mentioned an example of how the cluster security system works, for example the Sanur cluster has prepared 858 officers.

The troops were further divided into places where events took place, ranging from field trip locations to tourist areas that could be visited by delegates.

Overall Auliansyah said that his party deployed 5,791 personnel to serve from 17-26 May 2024.

For details, 2,485 personnel came from the center, then 2,706 personnel came from the Bali Regional Police (Polda Bali). All of them served on the island of Bali during the activity.

The remaining details, which amounted to 600 personnel, are on duty at the border to Bali Island with 300 personnel coming from the East Java Regional Police and 300 personnel from the West Nusa Tenggara (NTB) Regional Police.

Adding the strength of personnel, as many as 22 K-9 officers were also deployed to assist in anti-terror security with details of 10 from the center and 12 from the Bali Police.

Not only relying on personnel from the National Police, the pattern of layered security with other security forces, namely the Indonesian National Army (TNI) is also carried out through collaboration.

"We are also collaborating with friends from the TNI, both in the context of securing VVIP, securing VIPs, as well as in the context of securing the place of activity," said Auliansyah.