Police Thwart Smuggling Of 125,684 Lobster Seeds In Jambi

JAMBI - The Joint Team of Koorpolairud Baharkam Polri and Supervision of Marine and Fisheries Resources (PSDKP) thwarted the smuggling of 125,684 lobster seeds that will be carried through the Jambi waters.

Head of Sub-Directorate for Gakum Ditpolairud Koorpolairud Baharkam Polri Kombes Pol. Donny Charles Go, said the police arrested three suspects with evidence of 125,684 lobster seeds on Friday (10/5).

This smuggling was revealed after the police received information about the smuggling of lobster seeds from Lampung across Jambi Province.

Based on the police investigation, in the Mendalo Darat area, Muaro Jambi, the team arrested one suspect with the initials AD with evidence of lobster seeds as many as 90 thousand tails.

Furthermore, the joint team arrested two more suspects, namely ATH and A in a supermarket in Jambi City. Of the two perpetrators, the police secured 35 thousand pieces of lobster seed evidence.

Donny Charles said the hundreds of thousands of lobster seeds are planned to be smuggled into Singapore through the waters of Jambi Province.

In addition to evidence of lobster seeds, the police also secured other evidence, namely the two cars used by the suspect.

This case will continue to be developed. Examination of the suspects to look for other people's alleged involvement in this case.

From the disclosure of the lobster seed smuggling case, the police managed to save state losses worth Rp. 25 billion.

"With the assumption that one lobster seed is worth Rp. 200 thousand for sand lobsters and Rp. 250 thousand for pearl lobsters. We calculate there are more than Rp. 25 billion," he said.

The three perpetrators of the suspect are subject to the Fisheries Law Number 45 of 2009 Article 92 Juncto Article 26 with a penalty of eight years with a fine of Rp. 1.5 billion.