Depok Vocational Vocational School Student Bus Accident In Subang, West Java Police Chief: 11 People Died

SUBANG - Victims of a tourism bus accident carrying a group of SMK students from Depok, in Ciater District, Subang Regency, West Java, reportedly reached 11 people.

West Java Police Chief Inspector General Akhmad Wiyagus while inspecting the accident site on the Palasari Village highway, Ciater District, Subang, Saturday, May 11, said that 11 people died in the accident.

For the cause of the accident, he said, the West Java Police were conducting an investigation, including deploying a Traffic Accident Analysis team to conduct a crime scene investigation.

Meanwhile, the Head of the Subang Health Service, Dr. Maxi, said that of the 11 victims of the accident, 10 of them were a group of buses who were students and a teacher at the Lingga Kencana Depok Vocational School.

Meanwhile, another victim who died was a motorcyclist who was registered as a resident of Cibogo, Subang.

Maxi said the injured victims had now undergone treatment at the Palasari Ciater Health Center and Jalancagak Health Center.

There were 23 people at the Palasari Health Center with details of two serious injuries (referred to the Subang Hospital). In addition, as many as 21 people were also injured in handling at the Palasari Health Center.

Previously, a tourism bus carrying a group of SMK students from Depok had an accident on the Ciater descent road, Subang, Saturday at around 18.45 WIB.

The accident occurred when the bus carrying the group of students passed from Bandung to Subang.

Then when passing a downhill road, the bus suddenly swerved to the right and crossed the opposite lane until it hit a Feroza minibus vehicle number D 1455 VCD.

After hitting the vehicle on the opposite lane, the condition of the bus overturned with a tilted condition, the position of the left tire was above, the garbage slipped, hitting three motorbikes parked on the shoulder of the road,