SpaceX's Starlink Satellite Disrupted By Solar Storm

JAKARTA The solar flare has received public attention over the past few weeks. Many are worried about the impact, especially since the flames from this star have disrupted the satellite network.

Of the many satellites in Earth's orbit, Starlink dominates with a total of 7,500 satellites or about 60 percent of the total satellites. Therefore, if Matahari acts up, Starlink will feel the impact directly.

Elon Musk, the owner of SpaceX who manages Starlink, said that the satellite also felt the impact of the high solar activity. Musk said this when he considered the post of user X who discussed the impact of the solar flare.

"The SpaceX satellite feels this solar storm. It's big (impact)," Musk said through his social media account. Even though Starlink felt the impact directly, this satellite still persists and can deliver signals without interruption.

Meanwhile, the disruption of the satellite due to the solar flare is not new news. Quoted from Reuters, the US Ocean and Atmospheric Agency (NOAA) said that the recent solar storm was the largest since October 2003.

This storm will continue and pose risks to navigation systems, power grids, satellite navigation, and other technologies. Unfortunately, Musk did not explain the steps they took to deal with these challenges.

Despite the disruption caused by the solar flare, Starlink is still operating using inter-satellite laser links to forward data on each other in space. This link helps Starlink in deploying networks around the world.