Baharkam Polri Prepares World Water Forum Security Strategy

The National Police's Security Maintenance Agency (Baharkam) has prepared a strategy to secure the 10th World Water Forum (WWF) activities in Bali which will be held on 18-25 May 2024.

"As the Head of Operations for Puri Agung 2024, I have set a detailed security strategy to support the 10th WWF activities in Bali," said Head of the National Police's Security Maintenance Agency (Kabaharkam) Komjen Fadil Imran while inspecting Lembar Harbor in West Lombok as reported by ANTARA, Saturday, May 11.

He conveyed that the port, which is in the buffer zone for the security of WWF activities, one of which is in West Lombok, is included as material for security attention.

"For Lembar Harbor, we have prepared patient units and animal police to handle all forms of security disturbances," he said.

Apart from Lembar Harbor, the former Metro Jaya Police Chief also implemented a similar security strategy at Ketapang Port, Banyuwangi, East Java. Fadil also checked the readiness of personnel at the location.

In carrying out security strategies so that WWF activities run smoothly without any disturbances, Baharkam Polri deployed all units, including the role of bhabinkamtibmas in each village and sub-district.

Komjen Fadil emphasized that all personnel on duty have special abilities and are trained so that they are ready to face potential disturbances that may occur during the activity.

In addition to security from the National Police, Fadil also ensured that his party had built coordination with other agencies including the organizers of the activity.

He also invited public participation in supporting the security of events by providing information or reports regarding potential security threats.

"So, all preparations have been made carefully to provide maximum protection for all participants and visitors to the WWF event in Bali," said Fadil.