KKB Shooting Contact With Officials In Intan Jaya

Head of the Cartenz Peaceful Public Relations Task Force AKBP Bayu Suseno confirmed a shootout with KKB in Pogapa village, Homeyo District, Intan Jaya Regency, Central Papua.

The shootout with the KKB occurred after his party received information that the armed group would attack the Police and Koramil at Homeyo.

"From this information, monitoring was carried out by the Nanggala Task Force and the Cartenz Peace Operations Belukar Task Force until it appeared that several suspected KKB members were preparing to attack the Polsek and Koramil Homeyo," said Head of the Cartenz Peaceful Public Relations Task Force AKBP Bayu Suseno quoted by ANTARA, Saturday, May 11.

In the firefight, no members were injured, including civilians.

"Currently, all security forces are still on alert and continue to monitor the movement of the KKB," said Head of the Cartenz Peace Public Relations Task Force AKBP Bayu Suseno.

The shooting by OPM in Homeyo District has occurred since April 30, causing Aleksander Parapak to die.

On Wednesday (1/5), OPM burned the Pogapa Inpres Elementary School building which is about 50 meters from the Homeyo Police office, and directed several shots at the Homeyo Police Station, Thursday (2/5) the armed group opened fire on Koramil 1705-05/Homeyo and set fire to the residence of the Homeyo Koramil members.

Then Thursday (9/5), the OPM group Afrianus Bagubu and Keny Tipagau again opened fire on Koramil 1705-05/Homeyo.

To reach Homeyo can only be done using small-bodied aircraft such as Cessna.