PLN Electricity Discounts Starting April: Only Half Of The Discount, No Longer 100 Percent

JAKARTA - The government, through the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources (ESDM), ensures that it will continue the electricity sector stimulus to the public and business actors.

However, the stimulus in the form of a discount was only 50 percent of what had been previously received. This means that there is a decrease in value received by the community and business actors who are the targets of this program.

The Director General of Electricity at the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources, Rida Mulyana, said that the stimulus policy was temporary, not in the form of permanent assistance. So, from April to June (second quarter of 2021) there will be new electricity tariff adjustments.

"With the improvement in the national economy, it was decided that the tariff discount for households, industry and small businesses of 450 VA would be given at 50 percent, no longer 100 percent," he said as quoted on the official website, Tuesday, March 9.

Even so, Rida is optimistic that the continuation of this program will still play a role in maintaining people's purchasing power and consumption.

"The government continues to be committed to providing stimulus to ease the burden on the poor and vulnerable, as well as industrial and commercial groups in facing the pandemic," he said.

"This policy is a manifestation of the state's concern and presence to the community as well as protection for the industrial and commercial sectors affected by the pandemic. We believe that electricity encourages people and businesses to remain productive, ”he continued.

As reported by VOI some time ago, Minister of Finance Sri Mulyani said that there would be an adjustment in electricity rates in line with the projected economic recovery in 2021.

"This step is part of an effort to adjust the 2021 budget with a social protection budget of IDR 150 trillion from the previous IDR 220 trillion in 2020," he said during a virtual meeting with Commission XI DPR-RI, Wednesday, January 27. Rp6.94 trillion with 33.9 million beneficiaries.

The following is a discount on PT PLN's electricity rates for the period April to June 2021:

1. Electricity tariff discount of 50 percent for household with 450 VA power

2. 25 percent discount on electricity rates for 900 VA power households

3. Exemption from applying the minimum account requirement of 50 percent for social, business and industrial groups with power of 1,300 VA and above, as well as for special service groups

4. Free charge or subscription fee of 50 percent for the social power group 220 VA, 450 VA and 900 VA, business group and power industry 900 VA