New Government Asked To Be More Firm In Combating Anti-Pancasila Groups

JAKARTA - Academics have asked the new government under the command of Elected President Prabowo Subianto to be more assertive in eradicating groups that oppose Pancasila.

In an official statement in Jakarta, Friday, the Lecturer of Political Sciences at Muhammadiyah University, Jakarta, Prof. Sri Yunanto said that in the era of President Joko Widodo, the handling of the problem was very firm with the dissolution of various organizations that clearly challenged Pancasila, such as Hizbut Tahrir Indonesia (HTI) which carried the ideology of the caliphate.

However, even though it has been disbanded, he said, the group's organizational cells are still moving underground. Even in the last general election (election), he assessed that the group had crystallized in certain pairs of candidates (paslon) who did not win.

Thus, he said the organizations would continue to move to promote their ideology with various movements.

"Like some time ago there was a viral video of the activities of young people or students, where the speaker raised old ideas such as anti-democracy, anti-taxes that were clashed with zakat. Then in the end it was anti-NKRI," said Sri Yunanto.

Sri Yunanto said the activity was a sign of their efforts to return to the surface, since HTI was dissolved in 2017, by taking advantage of the political momentum, namely elections and being evidence even though the organization had been dissolved, but the group still exists.

For this reason, he hopes that the new government will have to be vigilant. Moreover, the new government has a bigger budget requirement plan outside the routine budget with the construction of the capital city of Nusantara (IKN) and free lunch as platforms during campaigns, so that sources of revenue must be boosted.

In addition to the counter-narrative that must continue to be done to combat the group's propaganda, he hopes that there must also be pre-emptive and preventive steps to deal with these groups so that groups do not get bigger.

Especially after the election, he continued, by the end of 2024 there will be simultaneous regional head elections (pilkada), so it is not impossible that the group will metamorphe to support candidates in simultaneous regional elections.

"This must be watched out for. But I don't know if the government seems to already have a mapping of roughly the players in the provinces and districts who have the potential to use this group to seek victory," he said.

Sri Yunanto also assessed the importance of strengthening synergy and synchronization between government institutions to deal with these problems. But apart from the government, he continued, the role of the community to fight transnational ideology is also vital.

In this case, he said large and mainstream community organizations in Indonesia must begin to promote national and religious insights that are moderate through discussions and discussions that must be facilitated and encouraged by the state.