Gerindra Will Announce Cagub DKI Jakarta End Of Next Month

JAKARTA - Gerindra Party Daily Chair Sufmi Dasco Ahmad stated that his party will announce the name of the candidate for governor of DKI Jakarta 2024 at the end of June."God willing, next month. The end of next month. That's roughly the case," Dasco told reporters in Central Jakarta, Thursday, May 9.Dasco said the names of the candidates for governor and deputy governor were already in the pockets of the General Chairperson of the Gerindra Parta Prabowo Subianto. He confirmed that one of those carried was a cadre from the Gerindra Party."God willing, the name that will advance will already be in Pak Prabowo's pocket, then there are two options, one of which is that there must be Gerindra cadres either become governor or deputy governor," said Dasco.Previously, the DPD Gerindra Party DKI Jakarta proposed four names to be proposed as governor candidates in the 2024 Simultaneous Pilkada. Two of them are the nephews of the General Chairperson of Gerindra, Prabowo Subianto.The chairman of the DKI Jakarta Gerindra DPD, Ahmad Riza Patria, revealed that his party was asked to propose a number of names, including himself, to be nominated as governor of Jakarta.
"Indeed, yesterday we had a meeting with Prof. Dasco, Pak Muzani, and others and asked for a name. I said we don't have to follow up on names, just come along. But we still have to propose names,” Riza said in Jakarta, Thursday, May 9.Of the four proposed names, there are two names of Prabowo's nephews, namely Rahayu Saraswati and Budisatrio Djiwandono. Both serve as Deputy DPP Gerindra."In the end, we proposed four names from DKI, one Mbak Sara, two Mas Budi Djiwandono, three Rani Maulani (Vice Chairman of the DKI DPRD), four I am Ahmad Riza Patria,” he explained.