Pertamina Patra Niaga Tegaskan Tetap Salurkan Pertalite Sesuai Penugasan Pemerintah

PT Pertamina Patra Niaga emphasized that it is still distributing Pertalite (RON 90) fuel to the public, according to the 2024 quota set by the Government.

Pertamina Patra Niaga's Corporate Secretary, Irto Ginting, emphasized that in accordance with the Minister of Energy and Mineral Resources Decree No. 37.K/HK.02/MEM.M/2022, Pertalite is a Special Assignment Fuel Type (JBKP). So that changes in distribution must go through government policies.

"Until now, we are still distributing Pertalite in all regions in accordance with the assignments given by the Government. So that people don't need to worry," said Irto to the media, Wednesday, May 8.

Furthermore, Irto added that Pertamina Patra Niaga, as the party carrying out the assignment to distribute subsidized fuel, is committed to continuing to follow and implement all policies set by the Government.

"In principle, we will follow and implement all government policies," said Irto.

It was recorded that until April 2024, the realization of the national distribution of Pertalite was 9.9 million Kiloliters (KL), out of the total 2024 Pertalite Quota set by the Downstream Oil and Gas Regulatory Agency (BPH Migas) of 31.7 million KL.

Irto mengungkapkan, Pertamina Patra Niaga juga telah mendorong digitalisasi untuk penyaluran BBM Subsidi melalui program Subsidi Tepat.

"The Proper Subsidy Program is our effort to ensure transparency of subsidized fuel distribution. Through digitization, subsidized fuel distribution can be monitored in real time, and prevent potential misappropriation in the field," he concluded.

Pertamina's VP of Corporate Communication, Fadjar Djoko Santoso, said that Pertamina's commitment to distributing Pertalite type fuel is in line with Pertamina's efforts to maintain national energy security.

"By providing Pertamina subsidy fuel, we hope to maintain energy fulfillment for the community and at the same time maintain the national economy," said Fadjar.