To Fulfill SYL Requests, Subordinates Are Willing To Create Fictitious Travels

JAKARTA - Secretary of the Directorate General of Agricultural Infrastructure and Facilities of the Ministry of Agriculture (Kementan), Hermanto said that his party was willing to make a fictitious official trip for its members in order to get funds to meet Syahrul Yasin Limpo or SYL's request.

This statement was conveyed by Hermato when he was a witness in the trial of the alleged extortion and acceptance of gratuities for the defendants Syahrul Yasin Limpo, Kasdi Subagyono, and Muhammad Hatta.

It started when the prosecutor questioned the way and source of money from the Directorate General of Agricultural Infrastructure and Facilities of the Ministry of Agriculture to fulfill the request.

"Earlier, the witness explained that at the beginning there was no budget, he didn't have any. Then where did the source of the money come from to fulfill the request?" said the prosecutor during a trial at the Corruption Court at the Central Jakarta District Court, Wednesday, May 8.

"We generally investigate if we take it from management support such as travel, for example, from friends' trips," Hermanto replied.

"From this trip, what does it mean? Is it set aside?" asked the prosecutor again.

"It can be set aside, you can take a name borrowed," said Hermanto.

Hearing this testimony, the prosecutor began to explore the 'loan of name' conveyed by witness Hermanto. Thus, the witness said that he borrowed the name in question by making a fictitious service to get funds.

"Borrowing the name means he doesn't have an official trip but is the money disbursed?" asked the prosecutor.

"Yes, to collect it to be fulfilled," Hermanto replied.

"Just to fulfill the request earlier?" asked the prosecutor to make sure.

"That's right," said Hermanto.

The prosecutor again confirmed that the name borrowed for the manufacture of fictitious travel was known by the owner of the name directly. Hermanto agrees because the ranks of the Directorate General of Infrastructure and Agricultural Facilities of the Ministry of Agriculture have understood their condition.

"Well, then this is a fictitious SPPD, yes or borrow a name, then the money is disbursed. That's what the name borrowed, do you know the process is that their name is?" asked the prosecutor.

"He did," replied Hermanto, who was then overwritten with the prosecutor "Oh, do you know?".

"Yes, because it has been declared in such a difficult condition," said Hermanto.