Case Of Forgery Of Documents For The NTB Bawaslu Office And The Women's Building, The NTB Prosecutor's Office Is Preparing For Indictment

The case of alleged falsification of assets from the West Nusa Tenggara (NTB) Provincial Government (Pemprov) in the form of the NTB Bawaslu Office and the Women's Building on Udayana Street, Mataram City, continues to be processed.

Spokesperson for the West Nusa Tenggara (NTB) High Prosecutor's Office (Kejati) Efrien Saputera said that his party is now preparing an indictment against the suspect in this case with the initials IMS.

"So, we received the second stage of the transfer of the suspect and evidence on Monday (May 6) yesterday, and we are currently drafting an indictment for the need for a trial in court," said Efrien in Mataram, NTB, Tuesday, May 7, as reported by Antara.

The IMS suspect in this case is a civilian. Meanwhile, this case was reported by the NTB Provincial Government to the NTB Regional Police.

The issue of falsification of this document is known to the NTB Provincial Government as the owner of the asset during the dispute lawsuit hearing filed by the IMS suspect at the Mataram District Court.

The object of the lawsuit is the NTB Provincial Government's assets in the form of the NTB Bawaslu Office covering an area of 2,000 square meters and the Women's Building covering an area of 2,040 square meters.

The suspect as the plaintiff filed a lawsuit with the asset argument and was borrowed by the West Lombok Regency Government. However, the proof of the asset loan letter cannot be proven in the lawsuit trial.

Head of the Legal Bureau of the NTB Provincial Government Secretariat, Lalu Rudy Gunawan, explained that the NTB Provincial Government has valid documents related to asset ownership in the form of the NTB Bawaslu Office and the Women's Building.

"The certificate has been owned for decades. However, it is being sued as if the provincial government borrowed and used it on the grounds that this belongs to his parents (the IMS suspect)," said Rudy.

He revealed that in the civil lawsuit, the NTB Provincial Government lost to the cassation level. In fact, from the application for judicial review (PK), the NTB Provincial Government lost again, until finally the NTB Provincial Government found irregularities, thus reporting a criminal case of document forgery committed by the IMS suspect.

"So, later if this case (forgery of documents) is proven and there is a decision with permanent legal force, we will make this the basis for submitting a second PK," he said.

For this case, Rudy said that the IMS suspect had made a statement before a notary admitting that the asset was not his and returned the land ownership to the NTB Provincial Government.

However, Rudy stated that the steps taken by the suspect IMS did not invalidate the legal process, which is now in the prosecution stage.

Director of General Criminal Investigation of the NTB Police, Kombes Pol. Syarif Hidayat said that his party handled the case from the NTB Provincial Government report.

From the follow-up to the report, the NTB Police carried out a series of investigations to raise the status of handling to the investigation stage by revealing the roles of the two suspects.

"The other one has passed away, so we have followed up on only one IMS initial to phase two," said Syarif.