Floods Of Netizens Criticism About The Rise Of Viral Cases On Social Media, Soetta Customs: That's Miscommunication

TANGERANG - Head of the Soekarno-Hatta Type C Main Service Office, Gatot Sugeng Wibowo, said that the criticism sent by netizens to Customs and Excise regarding the recent number of viral cases had occurred due to miscommunication.

The viral cases that were later crowded were the purchase of shoes worth Rp. 10.3 million with a tax of Rp. 31.8 million. Then, South Korean grants for the Extraordinary School or SLB-A Jakarta National Level Trustees have been detained since 2022. Most recently, the action figure or toy product belonging to content creator Medy Renaldy.

According to Gatot, all these problems have been resolved. He also said that the problem was just a miscommunication.

"We have finished it. That's just miscommunication. So, we are trying to communicate even better in the future," he said at Soekarno-Hatta Airport, Tangerang, Banten, Monday, May 6.

Gatot also admitted that his party had done everything in accordance with applicable regulations. However, he said, usually domestic importers do not understand the applicable rules.

"We have implemented the rules ourselves, according to the rules, there are only a few importers who do not understand our rules," he explained.

In addition, Gatot said that generally shippers or senders do not communicate with importers regarding the price of goods. Thus, the shipper includes the price of goods as long as possible.

"The shipment is usually an under value notification, from the shipper there. From the shipper there the notification is low, even though these importers bring invoices without communication, do not coordinate, so shippers just go around," he explained.