PGN Supply 9.49 BBTUD Gas Bumi To PT Freeport Indonesia's Smelter

PT PGN Tbk distributed natural gas up to 9.49 BBTUD to the Manyar smelter owned by PT Freeport Indonesia which is a copper smelter.

Just so you know, this smelter is one of the largest copper processing sites in the world for now.

PGN's Director of Strategy and Business Development, Rosa Permata Sari, said that the distribution of natural gas to PT Freeport Indonesia is a long-term contract tied to the Gas Sale and Purchase Agreement (PJBG).

Rosa added that PGN will maintain service performance in providing adequate gas infrastructure and maintained supply security so that the value of more natural gas can be absorbed by customers optimally.

"Gas Subholding in principle always supports the Government's steps to support the progress of the national industry. This collaboration has an important meaning for us because PT Freeport Indonesia is a consumer with a large absorption of gas," Rosa told reporters, Monday, May 6.

Meanwhile, the natural gas distributed will later be intended for the smelter, acid plant and PMR sectors.

On the same occasion, PTFI President Director Tony Wenas hopes that PGN can maintain the sustainability and reliability of natural gas supply to support the government's production and downstream program.

"We would like to thank PGN for implementing the PJBG which was continued with the gas process," said Tony.