Tips And Tricks Guides To Improve Engineering Asking For Answers In AI Equipment

Asking for AI assistance is not as easy as typing some text and then pressing Enter. To get accurate and useful information from AI chatbots, how to design a prompt properly is very important.

However, this is not always easy to do. How specific should you be? What information should be included? And how to request data in a useful format?

A new world in engineering asking AI is growing rapidly, all dedicated to designing and perfecting the art of designing AI prompts. But you can bypass complicated sections and improve your AI asking skills with the following tips and tricks.

Be As Specific As Possible

Common errors in ChatGPT prompts are not specific in providing information, and this is also a problem when using Microsoft Copilot and other AI tools. If you want AI to provide more accurate results, you need to tell exactly what you're looking for.

For example, if you want your AI tool to generate a new gym exercise plan, if you just say something like, "Please make a gym plan for five days per week," you'll get a general result.

Instead, a better prompt is: "Please make fitness and diet plans that involve five exercises per week. I want to combine weightlifting with high intensity interval training and have been exercising regularly for 10 years. I am 28 years old, 182 cm tall, and 90 kilograms heavy. I have no allergies, but I am sensitive to rice and do not want to drink alcohol."

The more context you give to AI tools, the better response you will receive.

Ask For More Information After Getting The Initial Answer

When you use tools like ChatGPT more often, you will soon learn that the first answer you get is not always enough. Just like you're going to ask someone further to get more information from them, you also have to do it when asking for AI.

This time, we asked our AI tools to provide a three-day travel plan in San Francisco for couple travel. By using the first tip mentioned in this guide and becoming more specific, we got a nice outline.

Namun, saya ingin mendapatkan informasi lebih lanjut yang tidak termasuk. Jadi, saya meminta rekomendasi hotel dalam anggaran khusus: Sebuah respons yang diperluas dengan ChatGPT

As a general rule, ask as many questions as possible to get all the information you are looking for. You may also want to determine whether premium AI prompts are worth spending money.

Explain What Doesn't Work When You Make A Prompt In The Past

When you use the AI prompt more often, you will get a better picture of what works and doesn't work for you. You will also learn which prompts are useful and which ones confuse the tools you use. Once you become more familiar with AI, make sure you clearly state what hasn't worked out before.

These tips are very important if you want to use AI tools like DALL-E 3 to produce images. I often see that the first draft doesn't sometimes produce what it's looking for, and there could also be problems like flaws for items like flags.

Apart from mentioning what hasn't worked out for you when asking in the past, you may also want to explain things that don't work out with what you want to do. For example, if you're designing a new training regimen, you might want to talk about what food you've noticed causes a negative reaction before.

Don't Make Your AI Multitask

Avoiding general mistakes when using AI promotion tools is not always easy, but one of the main problems you will face is trying to make tools do multi-tasks.

The AI program will usually generate your requests in a few minutes, but they can only do one thing at a time. If you try asking too many things at once, you won't get the results you want.

Sometimes, you will start prompting and realizing that you forgot to add more information. When this happens, stop or edit the current prompt and include these details before regenerating your answer.

Once you receive the result of one prompt, you can go to the next prompt until you are satisfied with everything. Doing these things may seem time-consuming, but doing one task at a time often increases productivity, and this also applies to your AI.

Tell Your AI Tool What You Don't Want To Answer

Remember the first point when we told you to be as specific as possible? It also means you have to tell your AI tool what you don't want to accept in your answer. While a generating AI can produce some cool results, it can't guess everything for you.

When designing your prompt, it's very specific about what you don't want to accept in your results. For example, if you're planning a trip, you might want to mention that you don't want to join the tour or prefer to avoid popular places.

Sometimes, your AI tool will give you several options in your answer. You can then choose which one is best suited for you.

Upload Images Or Files (If Available)

Uploading images or files often makes your AI prompts much more effective. For example, if you want to make a one-page resummation with AI, it's very feasible to upload existing PDFs and get feedback. You can use some media to get better answers, especially if you're using ChatGPT.

An example is Resume by If you use AI to create art, it's also a great idea to upload images that AI tools can use as examples.

Meanwhile, if you want to use AI Photos or similar tools for your own images, upload selfies, head photos, and other images will help you achieve what you want. Some AI tools can even answer questions from your PDF if you want to get more clarity.

Mention Where You Want To Use Your Prompt Answer

Sometimes, the results generated by your AI prompt will not be useful for a place where you want to use them. For example, if you want to make posts for Instagram, you may not want your tool to provide a large body of text.

On the other hand, you may want something more formal if you want to upgrade your LinkedIn profile with AI. If you use information from your AI prompt online, it's worth specifically mentioning where you're going to use it. In this way, you don't need to edit that much of your results.

Asking AI takes time to be competent, and you need to adjust how to type depending on the tools you use and the information you want to extract. The good news, is that you usually only need a little adjustment to make your prompt give you better results. After reading this guide, you should now be in a much better place to ask for more efficiently.