Can You Get A Contract In Islam? Here's The Law

YOGYAKARTA - Contract marriages are always a topic of conversation that reaps pros and cons. This type of marriage is different from the agreement in general. As the name implies, this marriage is carried out according to the time period agreed by both parties.

Contract marriage or mut'ah marriage is often found among Indonesian people. Couples undergoing contract marriage can agree on an agreement for a certain period of time, starting from one week, one month, one year. Some types of marriage only last for one day.

When it comes to the sacredness of marriage or a lifelong household relationship, contract marriage is not a natural thing. Then treat me a contract marriage in Islam and what is the law?

Before knowing how the law of contract marriage is for a Muslim, you should first understand the meaning of marriage in Islamic teachings. In Islam, marriage is interpreted as a lifelong worship that gets a great reward.

A married couple who intend to build a household will receive blessings from Allah SWT. The explanation of marriage contains many arguments. One of them is conveyed in the Word of Allah in the Qur'an, An Nur's letter, a verse.

You can't help it, you can't help yourself, you can't help yourself, you can't help yourself, you can't help yourself, you can't help yourself, you can't help yourself, you can't help yourself, you can't help yourself, you can't help yourself, you can't help yourself, you can't help yourself, you can't help me, you can't help me, you can't help me, you can't help me, you can't help me, you can't help me, you can't help me, you can't.

Arab-Latin: Wa angkitanul-aym bagaim mingkum wa Marijuk-mencurihlimen min'ibmendikum wa immenikum, iy yak kkn fuqarmen'a jugnihimullMinuthu fafilih, wall truhu wsi'un 'aldiam

Meaning: And marry the self-sufficient among you, and the worthy (of marriage) of your male and female legitimate servants. If they are poor, Allah will enable them with His Kurnia. And Allah is vast (given) is the Most Knowing.

As explained above, marriage must be carried out on the basis of good intentions to expect ridho from Allah SWT. Husband and wife couples must have the intention of being born and inner to live side by side together.

In contrast to contract marriages, which are usually only intended to be together as a couple for a certain period of time. The length of time to undergo contract marriage can vary, starting from one day, one week, one month, one year, and some are longer according to the agreement between the two parties.

Quoting in the book 1001 Tanya Answer In Islam by Ust Muksin Matheer, it is stated that the meaning of mut'ah itself is pleasure or pleasure. In the context of contract marriage, it is undeniable that many men marry just for fun.

The four madzhabs both agree that contract marriages or mut'ah marriages are legal. If the marriage contract or marriage agreement is called a period of time, then the contract becomes null and invalid. Even though he has said the consent, the relationship in this marriage is also classified as adultery.

Rasulullah SAW forbids marriage to a contract marriage model. This is narrated in a hadith that reads as follows:

"It has been told to us Ar Rabi' bin Sarabah Al Juhani from his father that Rasulullah SAW forbade mut'ah marriage while saying: "Know that (mutukah mut'ah marriage) is haram from today until the last day (alamat), whoever has given something to the woman he married mut'ah, then don't take it back." (HR. Muslim Imam)

Many wonder why contract marriages are not allowed in Islam. Here are some reasons why contract marriages are forbidden in Islam:

That is the answer to the question of finding a contract marriage in Islam. Contract marriage or mut'ah marriage is a haram act and has great potential for a household path after marriage. In Islam, good marriage must be based on intention and sincerity so that you can get pleasure and blessings from Allah SWT. Also read the rules for wearing rings for men based on Islamic law.

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