Many Obstacles, PAN Pessimists Of The Presidential Club Can Be Formed

JAKARTA - Chairman of the DPP PAN Saleh Partaonan Daulay is pessimistic that the President-elect, Prabowo Subianto,'s desire to form an association of previous Indonesian presidents or 'Presidential Club' can be realized.

Because according to him, there will be many obstacles to meeting or communicating with the former president outside the scheduled agenda.

"In my opinion, even if there is such a gathering, it will be rather difficult to attend all former presidents of the Republic of Indonesia. It takes effort and seriousness to present everything. There are many technical, ideological, and socio-political factors that can be obstacles," Saleh said in his statement, Sunday, May 5, evening.

Saleh explained that the difficulty of establishing this presidential club was due to the existence of their respective activities. Given that this club is filled by former presidents and great politicians. Not to mention the national agenda that is carried out may not intersect.

"From yesterday's presidential election, we can already see a difference in the scope of thought in building Indonesia. Some want change, some want sustainability and improvement, and some want change and improvement. The basis and main foundation of their thinking are also different. All have arguments that are considered the best by each," said Saleh.

Saleh assessed that there must be communication problems that seem to be cut off. This, said Saleh, is also not easy to re-establish.

"Everyone can read the ideological and socio-political positions of all our former presidents. If you want to be honest, sometimes there are communication problems that have seemed cut off so far. And it is not easy to re-establish," he said.

Even so, said Saleh, PAN still supports the plans made by Prabowo as the next president. Moreover, he said, discussions and criticism are good for the government that is carrying out its mandate.

"However, we continue to support all Prabowo's agenda. All good things must be made possible. As a result, we will see later. The important thing is to try and pray first," he concluded.