ChromeOS Update Can Prioritize WiFi Speed For Certain Needs

JAKARTA - Google is rolling out an update for its Chromebook through the launch of the ChromeOS M124 version, which brings some new features as well as previously existing feature updates.

Faster split screen settings

Chromebooks provide various ways to help you be more productive, one of which is by split screen, which makes it easy to see two different jobs on one screen at the same time.

So with this update, if you've put the app on one side, you'll be able to see what app previews you're opening, and click on one of those previews, to display on the screen next to it.

Because previously, according to The Verge, if you want to embed the app on the screen next to it, you have to open the file or app from scratch, so it will take longer.

QoS WiFi Di ChromeOS

ChromeOS 124 has now launched a new Quality of Services (QoS) feature, which allows Chromebooks to prioritize WiFi networks for things that require better networks such as video calls and online games when your Wi-Fi network is dense. Thus, users can experience smoother video playback with fewer buffering.

The size of the mouse cursor

Finally, Google has also expanded the size of the mouse cursor, so you can adjust the size of the cursor by going to the settings, accessibility, cursor and touchpad, and shifting the slider to the size of your choice.

These updates and the features associated with them will be rolled out in stages in the coming days. And make sure your device is eligible for this update.