Ahead Of The Wedding, Rizky Febian And Mahalini Undergo The Bali Customary Procession

JAKARTA - Towards a happy day, Rizky Febian and Mahalini underwent a series of Hindu ceremonies in Bali before getting married.

Through the upload of Nindy Pricilia's Instagram Story, Mahalini's sister-in-law, it was seen that the mepamit ceremony was held at the Mahalini family residence in North Kuta, Badung, Bali, today, Sunday, May 5.

Rizky Febian and Mahalini compactly wore Balinese traditional clothes with many families and guests present. They also undergo several processions that are usually carried out in mepamit ceremonies.

Of the many guests who attended, Sule seemed to be present to accompany his eldest son to undergo a ceremony. The 47-year-old comedian's face also looks happy.

Meanwhile, a funeral ceremony is held for prospective brides and grooms to say goodbye to their area of origin because they will live life in a new place.

Mepamit is taken from Balinese which means goodbye or goodbye, as stated in the book The Prophet's Ceremony in Hinduism written by Luh Sukma Ningsih.

In the mepamit ceremony, the bride and groom will say goodbye to her ancestors.

Furthermore, blessings will be given to live with the groom.

The construction process was carried out at the bride's house at a time that had been determined by both parties. Then, the groom will bring the handover.