Autopsy Results Of Taruna STIP's Body Died In Senior Hand: Bruise In Stomach To Damage Lung Network

North Jakarta Metro Police have named TRS (21), a suspect for persecuting the Jakarta Shipping Science College (STIP) cadets Puti Satria Ananta Rastika (19).

"We have named TRS as a suspect," said North Jakarta Metro Police Chief, Kombes Gidion Arif Setyawan.

Meanwhile, the Head of Criminal Investigation Unit of the North Jakarta Metro Police, AKBP Hadi Siagian, added that the bruises on the chest damaged the lung tissue (from the autopsy results).

"Then there are food residues that go up due to the withdrawal of the tongue so that the respiratory organs or oxygen are closed, oxygen does not enter as usual," he said when confirmed, Sunday, May 5.

Kasat explained, the results of the autopsy examination showed that the victim suffered a beating in the solar plexus.

"(The victim) was asked maybe yes, suddenly the beating took place. Five times (the beating) in a row non-stop," he said.

When the victim was lying down, the perpetrator panicked. The perpetrator then ordered (the cadets) level one in the bathroom to leave the bathroom.

Then, he continued, he tried to provide assistance by inserting his hand into the mouth (victim) and then pulling his tongue.

AKBP Hadi also said that the suspect beat him in the bathroom so that no one could see him.

"(The victim) was only invited, let's come with me. When we met between the first level cadets and the second level cadets, we saw something was wrong, we told them to come to the bathroom," he said.

Kasat explained that the motive for this incident was due to seniority and no other element.

"Nothing, only senior and junior relations," he said.

Please note, the Jakarta STIP level 1 cadet named Puti Satria Ananta Rastika was found dead on Friday, May 3. The victim died as a result of being abused by his senior.

The persecution took place in a toilet on the second floor of the STIP building in Jakarta. The incident occurred when the victim had just checked a number of classes after taking a leisurely walk with his colleague.