Ministry Of Agriculture Invites Stakeholders To Support Young Farmers In Promising Indonesian Agriculture

JAKARTA - The Ministry of Agriculture invites relevant stakeholders to fully support all activities of young farmers in advancing agriculture and supporting various food production optimization programs in Indonesia.

One of these programs is the Youth Entrepreneur and Employment Support Service (YESS) organized by the Agricultural Education Center, the Agricultural Human Resources Counseling and Development Agency (BPPSDMP), the Ministry of Agriculture in collaboration with the International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD). The program is considered to have succeeded in encouraging young farmers to be more active in advancing Indonesian agriculture.

"This program is an effort to increase food production, so it requires the involvement of various parties, ranging from relevant stakeholders to young farmers as targets," said Agriculture Minister Amran Sulaiman in a written statement received by Antara in Jakarta, Saturday, May 4.

On the same occasion, the Head of BPPSDMP of the Ministry of Agriculture, Dedi Nursyamsi, also expressed his support and said that the YESS program would produce young farmer ambassadors who could encourage young farmers to actively participate in increasing Indonesia's food.

"This selection and learning encourages young farmers to continue to promote and invite young people to look active in the agricultural sector," he explained.

The YESS program then held a training camp (Bootcamp) for 75 young farmers which will then be filtered into 50 Young Ambassador Agriculture (YAA) 2024 and the 2024 Polbangtan/PEPI Ambassador. The bootscamp will be held on April 30 - May 4, 2024 in Bogor.

The elected Polbangtan/PEPI 2024 Ambassadors are expected to be at the forefront of socializing agricultural education programs, actively coordinating, consolidating, representation, and resonances in promoting agricultural vocational in Indonesia.

As many as 75 young farmers selected by YAA 2024 are expected to continue to develop their business as an implementation of this Bootcamp.

Head of the Agricultural Education Center, Idha Widi Arsanti, said that this activity provides a lot of knowledge, benefits, networks, and cooperation that can be obtained by all participants.

"The science at this bootcamp is not obtained on other occasions, so it is hoped that it can provide great benefits not only to participants but to all for future improvement," he said.