Welcoming The Aceh-North PON September 2024, The Banda Aceh City Government Continues To Improve

The XXI Aceh-North Sumatra National Sports Week (PON) will take place in September 2024, therefore the Banda Aceh City Government continues to make various preparations to welcome, including road repairs.

"As one of the cities with the main venues, supporting facilities and infrastructure are the focus of the Banda Aceh City Government, including road conditions for smooth traffic flow," said Acting Mayor of Banda Aceh, Amiruddin, in Banda Aceh, as reported by ANTARA, Saturday, May 4.

This statement was conveyed in response to the request of Commission III of the Banda Aceh DPRK for the Banda Aceh Government to prepare to welcome Aceh-Sumut PON guests later.

Amiruddin said his party would immediately repair a number of damaged roads. Coordination with the provincial government and the National Road Hall, given the existence of provincial and national road status in Banda Aceh.

"For roads that are the responsibility of the City Government to be moderate, and we will immediately repair them. In addition, together with the provincial and National Road Center, we will also repair other roads. God willing, in the near future it will be completed," he said.

In this regard, Amiruddin had previously instructed the local PUPR Office to record the condition of handling potholes based on the authority of the City Government.

Furthermore, repairs were carried out, it was confirmed that the road in Banda Aceh would also be clean, free from land and other sediments.

In addition, cleaning channels or drainage, floodgates, and pump houses were also carried out, including the handling of Beurawe underpass which had been flooded.

"In Beurawe underpass, we have alerted daily picket officers to monitor pump conditions," he said.

Then, parking conditions in the city center also became the attention of the Banda Aceh City Government, his party continued to socialize to parking attendants so that they could organize the land neatly and according to the rules.

"This is necessary, so as not to hinder the flow of traffic. If someone is stubborn, we will take firm action," he said.

Meanwhile, for housing for athletes and PON delegates, the Acting Mayor emphasized that he was coordinating the readiness of residents' houses to become lodging places.

This step needs to be considered, considering that the estimated room needs will reach 7,000, while the hotel sector in Banda Aceh will only be available for 3,200 rooms.

"Even so, we are optimistic that we can provide this lodging need properly because in Banda Aceh there are many boarding houses and rental houses. In addition, the enthusiasm of residents in welcoming PON guests is also extraordinary," he said.

On this occasion, he also said that the smooth running of clean water to residents' homes and controlling the list/list of menu prices in restaurants or restaurants is also a concern for the city government, there should be no increase in prices.

"Let's together make PON a success that is already in sight. Take care of Aceh's dignity, welcome and serve all guests who come as best they can," said Amiruddin.