Di Hadapan Pemda Klungkung, KemenKopUKM Pastikan Tidak Ada Pembatasan Jam Operasional Warung Kelontong

The Ministry of Cooperatives and SMEs (KemenKopUKM) held a meeting with the Klungkung Regency Government to follow up on the issue of limiting the operating hours of grocery stalls in Klungkung Regency, Bali.

Deputy for Micro Business at the Ministry of Law and Human Rights Yulius met with PJ Klungkung Regent I Nyoman Jendrika, and agreed that there would be no prohibition of operating hours of grocery stalls in Klungkung Regency.

"KemenKopUKM together with the Klungkung Regency Government expressly declares their alignment with MSMEs, as well as committed to developing MSMEs in the country," said Yulius in his official statement quoted on Saturday, May 4.

According to him, grocery stalls actually bring real benefits to the community, because they can absorb local products with very flexible operating hours.

Yulius said that his party had even directly inspected several grocery stalls in Klungkung Regency, and did not find any noise as was widely reported.

"I've asked directly to the grocery stalls here and they said nothing happened. Even if someone closes at 1 am, they say it's because of fatigue, not because there are restrictions on operating hours," said Yulius.

Furthermore, Yulius said that his party would immediately coordinate with the Ministry of Home Affairs (Kemendagri) to ensure that all regional regulations, both at the provincial and district/city levels, have sides with MSME actors.

On the same occasion, Acting Regent of Klungkung I Nyoman Jendrika stated firmly that his party had never banned operating hours at public-owned grocery stalls.

In fact, Jendrika explained that related to the regional regulation which was busy being held, namely Perda Klungkung Number 13 of 2018 did not regulate the operating hours of grocery stalls. In fact, the regulation of operating hours is applied to minimarkets, supermarkets, and the like.

"Because there are no provisions for limiting operating hours on grocery traders or people's stalls, we do not have the authority to carry out the ban," said Jendrika.

PJ Regent Jendrika also explained that his party had never received a complaint from retail entrepreneurs who were disturbed by grocery stalls operating 24 hours, such as issues that were widely discussed.

As for the Satpol PP on duty in the field, Jendrika explained that they only maintain security and order.

"Satpol PP only anticipates things that are not desirable to happen, such as crime and so on, not to prohibit 24-hour operating hours," said Jendrika.

According to him, local grocery stores are part of micro and small businesses that will continue to be fostered, especially related to business development, business security/ licensing and business opportunities. Including the Regional Regulation, Perbup, and other legal products that support business development.