Golkar Trusts Cabinet Minister's Composition To Prabowo

JAKARTA - The Golkar Party has fully handed over to the elected president, Prabowo Subianto, to compile his government cabinet in the future. Golkar is also ready to sit down with other political parties to find a competent minister figure to be Prabowo's assistant in the cabinet.

"In principle, if the Golkar Party, we submit it and we trust President Prabowo Subianto. Together with the general chairmen of political parties are looking for the best figures," said the chairman of the Golkar Party DPP, Ace Hasan Syadzily when contacted, Saturday, May 4.

However, regarding the seat allocation for Golkar, the Deputy Chairman of Commission VIII of the DPR RI admitted that he did not know how many names his party proposed to become ministers in the Prabowo-Gibran cabinet. According to Ace, this is Airlangga Hartarto's authority as chairman.

"Maybe it can be asked by the general chairman. Because the general chairman has the authority to answer that," he said. Previously, the General Chair of the Golkar Party, Airlangga Hartarto, had mentioned the big role of his party in winning the Prabowo Subianto-Gibran Rakabuming Raka pair in the 2024 Presidential General Election (Pilpres).

Therefore, he suggested that the Beringin Party get five ministerial seats in the cabinet if Prabowo becomes president.

"I conveyed to Pak Prabowo about Golkar's contribution because we won in 15 provinces. That means we contributed 25 percent of the 58 percent victory. So, if 25 percent, if you share, yes, a lot is okay. We call five (menter positions) minimal, but if you calculate the proportion of 25 percent, there are still many rooms (spaces)," said Airlangga during a celebration of the success of the Golkar Party in Badung Regency, Bali, Friday, March 15.