Bareskrim Polri Arrests 3 Foreigners In Raiding Drug Plants In Bali

BaLI - Bareskrim Polri raided a villa that was used as a drug factory in the Canggu area, Bali. Three foreign nationals (foreigners) were arrested in the raid.

"Yes, it is true (three foreigners) were arrested," said Director of Narcotics Crime at the National Police Criminal Investigation Agency Brigadier General Mukti Juharsa to VOI, Saturday, May 4.

However, Mukti was reluctant to specify the identities of the three foreigners, including their citizenship. In fact, regarding the types of drugs produced at the factory.

The reason is that his party is still developing the case. If it is revealed, it is feared that it could interfere with the investigation process.

"We'll have to wait for the release later. It's still being developed," he said.

Based on information, the three foreigners transformed one of the villa rooms into a Clandestine lab to make drugs.

The Clandestine lab means the activity of individuals or a group of people producing drugs quickly and cheaply through a chemical process at a location called the 'laboratorium'.