The Story Of Fahad Haydra Annoyed The Role Of Vina Film: Before 7 Days

Fahad Haydra admitted that he was annoyed when he found out that he played Egi in Vina: Before 7 days. He competed acting with other young actors such as Nayla Purnama, Gisellma Firmansyah, and Yusuf Mahardika.

"I've known stories (Vina) since I was in high school and was busy at school," Fahad Haydra told VOI.

"When I heard the recording, how come it's that bad with women until they are bullied and raped," he continued.

A few years later, Fahad Haydra had the opportunity to join Vina: Before 7 Days. He followed the process until he found out that he was playing the character Egi.

"Suddenly knew this film was to be produced and I played the character I was annoyed with this person," explained Fahad.

On the other hand, Fahad feels the support of those around him for this film makes him even more excited in making the film.

"When shooting in Cirebon, many came and waited. So we feel a lot of support despite filming until the morning but don't feel tired," said Fahad Haydra.

His co-star, Yusuf Mahardika also felt that at that time the production of this film caused congestion for days in Cirebon.

"We apologize to the residents of Cirebon for causing traffic jams for days. But we have a mission to make a better film and that's why we shoot it in the original place," said Yusuf Mahardika.