5 Historic Sites In Karawang, Traces Of Independence In The Middle Of Noisy Factories

JAKARTA - The city of Karawang has been known as an industrial area. The city, which is located to the east of Bekasi, has many large factories.

However, not many people know, among the boisterous workers and crowded factory buildings, in this city there are many historical places. Historical traces in this city are left behind in stations, monuments, to people's homes.

Karawang is a witness to how the long journey of Indonesia's independence has been fought for. Many locations became important places during the colonial period. These places are still there and survive.

Here are some historical places in Karawang that are interesting to visit

Walahar Dam

The dam that holds the Citarum river is a legacy of the Dutch era. The Walahar Dam has been in use since 1925.

However, some rumors circulating in the surrounding community, this dam was built since the Portuguese colonial era. The dam was then continued during the Dutch administration.

This dam has its own historical value for the Indonesian people. In the past, the Dutch used indigenous power to build the Walahar Dam.

The Dutch government made this building to regulate the water capacity of the Ci Tarum river and fertilize the surrounding rice fields. Traces of the Dutch still survive there. The build is sturdy and big.

Rengasdengklok house

Let us recall the history of the time one day before the proclamation of independence was read. The youths kidnapped Soekarno and Mohammad Hatta. The two fathers of the nation have a house in Rengasdengklok.

Soekarno, Hatta, and youths like Soekarni, Wikana, and Chaerul Saleh formulated a proclamation in this house. This house belonged to a PETA troop, namely Djauw Kie Siong.

Rawa Gede Monument

The Rawa Gede Monument is located in Rawamerta District. This monument was designated as a place to honor and commemorate the services of the fallen local heroes. The Rawa Gede Monument building is in the form of a triangle or pyramid.

The Rawa Gede Monument was inaugurated and built in 1995 and inaugurated on July 12, 1996. In that place, previously, 431 civilians died during Dutch military aggression. They defend the place to the death. This gripping event occurred on December 9, 1947.

Karawang Station

Many stations in Indonesia have become historical places in the struggle for independence, one of which is the Karawang station. This station is on Arif Rahman Hakim Street, Nagasari, West Karawang, Karawang.

This station is a legacy of the Dutch government. In the past, this station operated a local trip from Jakarta - Purwakarta. In this place, the private railway company Bataviasche Ooster-Spoorweg Maatschappij (BOS) is developing its business.

Determination Monument

Located not far from the place where Soekarno and Hatta were kidnapped, this monument was made to commemorate the services of young people who fought for Indonesian independence. The Determination Monument is located in Bojong Village, Rengasdengklok.

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