DKI Transportation Agency Affirms Minimarket Parking In Jakarta Is Free And Will Bring Order To Jukir Bandel

The existence of illegal parking attendants in minimarket parking areas is often complained of by the public. Not a few minimarket managers have installed free parking notices, but there are still jukir who collect parking rates.

Head of the DKI Jakarta Transportation Agency, Syafrin Liputo, emphasized that the provisions for parking in minimarkets were free of charge.

"Regarding parking at minimarkets as our regulations, there is free parking there. So, the manager is not allowed to collect," Syafrin told reporters, Friday, May 3.

However, Syafrin admitted that these recalcitrant jukir people still took advantage of the opportunity to arrange parking and collect tariffs at minimarkets.

"It's as if it's the driver's obligation to pay. It shouldn't be, because that's a facility that must be prepared in the minimarket," said Syafrin.

Syafrin claimed that both the Transportation Agency and the Satpol PP continued to control illegal jukir in minimarkets. However, when they were not monitored, they often returned to the location to collect parking rates.

"So once an officer carried out surveillance, they stepped aside. But once the officer disappeared, they came back to make arrangements and some forced them to collect certain costs. This then became a problem," he explained.

Therefore, Syafrin emphasized that he would impose sanctions on illegal jukir who were still collecting parking rates at minimarkets.

"We will communicate with the Satpol PP how to control it in the future. We will take firm action, try to find loopholes and then impose what kind of sanctions," he added.